Volume 2, Act 19: Exchange Between Ladies Part 01

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Several days after Cordelia reconciled (?) with Hazel.

It had been a long time since she hadnt received an envelope with the Hale family crest on it, so she went to visit Elviss study. Elvis wasnt home often on holidays, but he had been home since morning.

He looked uncertain when he saw his daughter. However, the changes in his expression were so subtle that people, who didnt know him well wouldnt notice, however, there was no way Cordelia wouldnt notice. Despite that, they were even, since Cordelia usually pretended to act calm.

(Its a little hard to start the conversation)

She wasnt going to talk about anything important, but the mood around them felt like they were going to talk about something serious.

It was hard to start the conversation, but she felt terrible that Elvis had stopped working, even though he was busy. Cordelia gulped a little, looked straight at Elvis, and prepared herself.

Otou-sama Hazel-sama, the daughter of Earl Hale, has invited me to sleepover at her mansion in five days. Do you mind if I accept this invitation?

Cordelia spoke in a voice that sounded as if she was forcing her feelings back.

Elvis, who saw that, looked as if he was baffled. It might have sounded to him like she didnt want to go, even though she was asking for permission.

Even Cordelia realised that her voice had come out like that. She contemplated that deceiving people was her weak point, and kept in mind that she should improve that in the future. Be that as it may, she had already done it. It was just a request, and she didnt think that it needed to be concealed from her father. I just have to be honest when asking about something, she thought as she waited for a reply.

I dont mind.

Elvis replied briefly, after a moment of silence.

Earl Hales House doesnt have any special traits, but theres no harm in associating with them.

It was a horrible thing to say, but Elvis was probably honest.

But the Earl does have a daughter who thinks of weird things.

Elvis didnt say anything after that, so Cordelia bowed and left. Then she secretly began to think when she was out of the room.

(Im also a lady who does strange things in this society Well, of course, Otou-sama acknowledges that.)

I got permission.

She had no choice but to go now that shed received permission. She should have been happy that shed received it But she felt a little depressed because shed lost her reason to decline.

(Drawing and embroidery. I cant practice it to that extent. Im not good at it, but Ill manage somehow. But)

What the heck are we doing with love stories? What should I talk about?

Cordelia didnt understand why Hazel recognised her as a friend, but she was happy about it. However, she had never heard of an event where ladies in society talked all night about love with a friend. Of course, there was a possibility that she was just na?ve, and didnt know about it. However, she guessed that it was probably the first time Hazel was hosting a sleepover from the way she talked.

For now, well be staying up all night.

She did say we would be talking all night, Cordelia nodded. I wonder if its like the pyjama parties from my previous life But of course, Ive never experienced those before.

If it was like a pyjama party, then she could probably let Hazel talk until she ran out of things to talk about. But, she wanted to talk all night long with Cordelia. Which meant that Cordelia would probably have to join in the conversation, and that would be inconvenient.

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