Volume 06, Act 65: Person with Strong Feelings

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

Cordelia wasnt sure if her head hurt or her stomach hurt, but at any rate, she felt sick.

She opened her eyes while feeling bad and saw a wooden floor, which woke her up at once. She didnt know where she was but being in a dark room with her hands tied behind her back made her realise her situation.

Youre awake. How are you feeling?


Cordelia was relieved that her voice came out clearer than she had expected it to.

Its fine if you cry a little. How strong.

Would you let me go if I cry? If not, then theres no reason to make you happy.

You mean you dont want to expend your energy? Youre no fun.

Ghost spoke to Cordelia in a friendly manner, but she didnt feel as if he had let his guard down at all. Rather, she felt as if he was more alert.

(There are no plants in this room. He said this was Argel Forest, so Im sure there are some plants outside But I guess I have to stop Ghost before I invoke remote magic.)

The windows were closed and they were horizontally projected windows, so it was impossible for her to project her magic and aim for the plants outside.

Cordelia got up and leaned against the wall.

Her hands were probably tied with hemp rope. Her hands were prickled by the loose strings, and it was painfully tight, but she would able to cut through the rope thanks to the analytical magic that she had always had a hard time with in the past.

But this wasnt the time to feel relief.

(Even Ghost would be able to detect it if I invoke my magic. So, I dont have time to spare after I cut the rope. I have to find the right time)

Ghost will put up his guard more if I fail. Cordelia understood the difference between Ghosts and her own fighting ability.

Perhaps because she thought that and was obedient, Ghosts mood improved.

We still have a little time before tomorrow comes. We have time, so why dont we talk for a bit? I think it would be a nice change of pace, and I want to see your reaction. Ah, I knocked out Rufina for a bit after that, but I dont think she would be knocked out for very long, so Im sure your situation has been safely conveyed to the royal castle.

Cordelia kept her face down, trying to keep her expression as unnoticeable as possible. She didnt want to listen to Ghost talk, but she didnt have any reason to refuse since she thought it might create a chance for her to escape. Ghost didnt seem to particularly care that she hadnt replied and began speaking again.

Oh yes. Are you interested in the red-eyed Princesss, Rufinas, story?

Rufina is a foul-mouthed girl. She always talks big and isnt actually aiming for the throne. Shes just a soft-hearted Princess.

Cordelia nearly reacted involuntarily, but she stopped herself from doing so. Ghost watched Cordelia for a reaction. He might stop talking if he was asking her to tell him to continue.

Ghost continued speaking to the silent Cordelia.

Rufina wanted me to kidnap her. By getting herself kidnapped, she could let Crista know that the Dulaus royal family wasnt cooperating with the Dark Guild, and so I wouldnt be able to interfere with the treaty no matter what I do. Im sure she arranged the treaty so that it could be completed with her brother even if she were to die. She doesnt get along with her brother, but its not like theyre on bad terms. This was all part of her plan.

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