Volume 2, Act 14: Intermission 01: The Prince's Close Friend Part 1

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Say, Gille. Dilly might be coming to my next evening party, but will you come?

It was a fine afternoon when I asked Gille this question.

Gille blinked his eyes in surprise at my sudden question, but it seemed that he immediately understood what I was saying.

Its almost your birthday, isnt it Vernoux? Congrats.

Its still too early.

But its rare for Dilly to go out in public.

I heard that Countess Weltoria told mother that she would be bringing Dilly along with her. Earl Pameradia also has to agree, so I cant say for certain that shed come. Well, even if Dilly doesnt come, I thought that 『Prince Sylvester』would come incognito.

I said that and Gille laughed, Its still too early to talk about it, but thanks.

He was laughing, but he was probably a little nervous. This was his first chance to appear in front of Cordelia as 『Sylvester』. Although I feel sorry for Gille, I dont think a conversation between 『Sylvester』and her would get lively. Because that was how much she has been avoiding him so far.

It would be better for Dilly to meet 『Gille』before she meets『Sylvester』. She would probably be so dejected from meeting 『Sylvester』 that she wouldnt be able to talk much to Gille when she meets him, because of that tension. Well, thats only if she comes.

But, youre going to be 13 soon, arent you Vernoux. Im always jealous that your birthday comes so early.

Our birthdays arent that far apart.

I know. But, Im still a little bit jealous. Its not fair.

Even if he says its unfair, its not like I can do anything about it. Incidentally, hes never thought this way before. I cant agree with him. Ive never known whats on his mind since a long time ago, then I noticed.

. Speaking of, hasnt it been eight years since weve met?

Youre right.

Both Gille and I never noticed this and we both turned to face each other when wed realised. And we both began to mutter.

8 is like half our lives.

Somehow, it doesnt feel like it.

However, eight years for a 13 year old was a long time.


I was five years old when I met 『Prince Sylvester』.

Ill be honest, I never thought about wanting to go to the castle.

Of course, it wasnt like I wasnt interested in the castle, there was no way I wouldnt be interested in a building that was built like a large secret base. However, at that time, Id already known that mannerisms existed inside of the castle. I wanted to explore it freely, but I didnt want to go if I had to be obedient and listen to what the adults said. The building was amazing and it was hard for me to hold back.

But heartlessly, a letter inviting me to the castle arrived. To summarize, it said this, 『You might be a candidate for the Princes schoolmate, so come』.

My mother and father were happy.

I hope you can make a lot of friends, was how they acted, so I couldnt say that I didnt want to go.

But still, they were only calling for school friend 『candidates』. It felt like it was just for appearances and something similar to an interview was conducted at first. No matter how much they take your parentage into consideration, they would probably be troubled if they let a simpleton stay by the princes side.

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