Volume 5, Act 45: Good News Comes with the Storm Part 2

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Oh, Vernoux-sama. Good morning.

Its rare for Vernoux-sama to come to the office early in the morning. He usually comes in the afternoon, Cordelia thought as she headed to the entrance.

But, in contrast to Cordelias greeting, Vernoux slanted his eyes, and he didnt reply.

Do you not feel well?

He looked as if he was in a bad mood, if that didnt have to do with his health, but Cordelia hesitated to say that. Its harder to deal with him if hes in a bad mood, so I want a different answer from him She thought, but Vernoux gave a long sigh. Unfortunately, it seems like he is in a bad mood.

Dilly, why havent you been at home since morning? I came over, but it was a waste of time.

Vernoux-sama, you rarely come to my house early in the morning, right? And, people normally check the other persons schedule beforehand.

Cordelia shrugged. Even if I tell him at this point, I probably cant expect that he would make an appointment. However, usually, it would be amusing However, when Vernoux heard Cordelias answer, he looked stunned and tilted his head in an exaggerated way.

Even though I was bringing you good news

Good news? From you?

Do you want to know?

If you act pompous like that, then I dont know if I want to know or not I feel like itll be bad news.

The reason being, Vernoux looked like he was planning something. Did something crazy or unpleasant happen? ――― Cordelia put up her guard, and Vernoux looked stunned.

Why do I have to deliver bad news first thing in the morning? Thats tiresome.

Thats true, but I cant think of any good news that you have to tell first thing in the morning either.

Jeez, you dont hold back at all. But dont worry, its happy news. Youve been accepted in the competition show.

Excuse me?

Cordelia couldnt help but tilt her head at his surprising words. Come to think of it, the competition show screening should be finished, and its nearly time for the exhibition. She recalled, but her doubt preceded her joy.

What the? Thats a weak reaction.

Oh, yes

Its not a joke or anything. This is being told to the person herself, so even Earl Pameradia doesnt know about it yet.

Then, why do you know, Vernoux-sama?

Cordelia asked since she wouldnt rejoice while she was confused, and Vernoux smiled.

Because its one of the events organised by the kingdom, right? The Queen, who is involved in the screening, usually informs the participants every year, but this years notice was left to His Highness, Prince Sylvester.


It was convenient, so he left it to me. Its a notice from the delivery personnel. So, will you go to the castle? Miss Prize-Winner.

She felt like she heard the words, the permit for the Big Bookcase is waiting for you, but it took all she had to not twitch.

She did think that an award ceremony might be held since the prize for the royal family sponsored competition show was a grant and a permit.

(But I never imagined that His Highness would be involved in this before his adulthood!)

I carelessly assumed that, even though the royal family didnt have a rule stating that they wouldnt be involved in events unless they were adults. However, if I think about it, this might be an excellent event to gain experience if its just about giving notice.

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