Volume 06, Act 59: The Evening Party Brings a Stormy Premonition

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

On the day of her first evening party since her coming of age ceremony, Cordelia was at her shop until noon.

The female magicians at the shop told her to quickly go home and that she was exactly like Elvis because she worked too much, but she smiled wryly because she was still doing what she liked compared to him. Also, she needed to redouble her efforts in terms of ability.

In the midst of this conversation, Cordelia saw that Kaylie was having her first conversation with a customer.

Normally, she would work behind the scenes and was told what the customer wanted, but she seemed to have a new idea, so she wanted to talk to the customer. She seemed nervous throughout the conversation, but she looked satisfied when the conversation ended, and her tension disappeared.

She hadnt gone as far as handing the card directly to the customer after she had finished it in the blink of an eye, but she did open the door a little to see the delighted reaction from the customer and raised a small voice in joy.

Youre very popular, Kaylie-sama.

Th-thank you very much, Cordelia-sama.

Kaylie quickly looked down when Cordelia spoke to her, but she steadily looked at Cordelia and spoke in a small voice.

Hmm Mm It makes me want to do something when I know that someone like me has created something that makes someone happy.

I understand that feeling.

Cordelia agreed and Kaylie relaxed a little.

This shop is amazing after all. Ive only seen a little but still, the customers are smiling, and they come every day As I thought, your charm is apparent in this shop as well.

Kaylie seemed happy as if she was talking about herself and Cordelia felt very embarrassed. Of course, she was happy that the customers were happy and even more so when a worker at the shop could experience this directly.

However, there was something that Cordelia couldnt let go.

Kaylie-sama, can you stop with the someone like me?


Your work is great and its wasteful for you to attach words like that to your work.

Kaylie was puzzled by Cordelias words.


The customers are happy because its art that you have made, Kaylie-sama. Im sure those people will be sad if they were to hear you say something like that.

However, Kaylie slowly shook her head.

Im Im really happy that you found something that I could do to make the customers happy But I really cant do anything else So, someone like me, is the correct way of speaking.

Even though you think like that, I think youre wonderful.

At those words, Kaylie looked up as if she had snapped and looked at Cordelia a little flustered.

Hmm, if its alright with you. Can I ask what part of me is?

Of course. But, do you mind if I tell you a lot?


First of all, youre a very kind and caring person. Even if youre not good at speaking with others, I can tell that youre kind and caring since I saw you prioritised the customers happiness today. And, I also feel like youre smart. Your dark hair is also very nice.

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