Volume 4, Act 38: Thoughts, Words and Action Part 2

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They immediately found the gap in the hedge that Mick had probably entered the forest from.

Ronnie asked Cordelia as soon as they entered the forest.

Ojou-sama, how are you going to find a kid who someone familiar with this forest couldnt?

I might find something strange because Ive never been here before.

Thats a cliché used by amateurs, isnt it?

Youre very pessimistic. Or rather, its rare for you not to be confident.

She looked at Ronnie, who had spoken in monotone, and saw that he had waved his hand lightly to create light. That light acted as a lamp.

( Ronnie really is a good magician. He doesnt even need tools.)

Cordelia also had a magic tool that resembled a small flashlight for when she went out, but the light Ronnie had created was much brighter. However, magic like that was trivial to Ronnie. He slowly let out a long sigh.

My brother, who is two years older than me, would often run out of the house when he was Micks age. I also helped look for him. But we never found him until he came out but he knew everything we did. Thats why Im sure that that kid found a good place to hide and is watching us.

I would feel relieved if he is watching us. Because then he wont be hurt.

Well, this is a forest. Lets quickly find him and get out of here.

The forest was thicker than she thought it would be. They could occasionally hear the sounds of insects too. There was a forked road along the way, but one side had a spider web in a relatively low position, so they didnt hesitate to choose their path.

(Theres a lot of places for a child to hide.)

She looked around the vicinity so that she wouldnt overlook small areas and let out a loud voice which she usually wouldnt use.

Mick-kuun. Mick-kuun!

However, not even her voice echoed back at them.

Ronnie approached and parted the grass every time he found a thicket, but he couldnt find any human traces. Should I be pleased that there arent any traces of Mick going off the main road, or should I be worried that we cant find any traces of him?

Lets go a little further.


I want to quickly get some kind of response ――― she wished, as she continued to carefully observe her surroundings while they progressed further. Ronnie muttered while they were searching for Mick.

At any rate, I was surprised when you said you were going to teach, Ojou-sama. However, its even more surprising that Master gave you permission to.

Cordelia tilted her head when Ronnie suddenly brought up the topic. Why not? But she wanted to answer him, since he was helping her.

Is it that strange?

Definitely. However, Im sure normal noble ladies wouldnt be able to put up with it if Mick lunged at them. Ah, I dont think youre normal.

Say, Ronnie. Why do you think Mick-kun hates me?

Like the director had said, one of the reasons is because he wasnt good with interacting with people. But I dont think thats all. Mick-kun doesnt talk to Vernoux-sama or Gille-sama, and he doesnt attack them at all. Even though there was the thing with the muffin, the difference in our treatments is too different.

Why do you think he hates you, Ojou-sama?

I can only imagine that he thinks of me as unpleasant.

I understand that he might think of this as a rich persons sympathy and pastime, since he had said 『if you want to play around』. Of course, I have no intentions of playing around, but I already know that those thoughts dont matter.

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