Volume 06, Act 67: Each of Their Paths

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

Two years have passed since that long day.

Sylvester had declared that Cordelia should prepare herself, but they continued their peaceful relationship and not much had changed.

Cordelia met with Sylvester more after she found out that he was Gille. For example, when she visited the Big Bookcase, Sylvester would invite her to the greenhouse or gardens to have tea with him. It wasnt just always the two of them, Vernoux and Clive often joined them for tea as well. Other than that, they also exchanged letters like they had when he was Gille.

However, that didnt mean that nothing had changed.

Sylvester would visit the Pameradia household alone, and sometimes he would change into Gille and they would go out. As expected, Cordelia didnt think it was a good idea for Sylvester to wander around without a guard and complained bitterly about it when he had first invited her to go out, but he boldly declared 『Im used to going around incognito since I was a child, and its too conspicuous for adults to go on dates with guards around』, so she couldnt stop him.

Cordelia knew that they were going on dates even if her reply was prevaricating, but to be told this gave her an indescribable nagging feeling. Perhaps because she hadnt stopped him from going out, he would tell her, It was fine before, wasnt it? so she no longer had any words to stop him with.

Incidentally, whenever she went out with Sylvester, Cordelia also used Vernouxs magic to change into a different person. Gill and Vernoux were surprised that she had changed into a woman with black hair and eyes. Vernoux couldnt choose peoples appearances when he used his magic on them, so it was surprising that her appearance made her look like Sylvesters sibling.

However, there are times when she was glad to go out with Sylvester.

She felt happiest about this when Sylvester asked her, Will you listen to the story about my first love?

She could only say that she was curious when asked, but if she had been in public, then she would hesitate to say it honestly.

According to Sylvester, he first saw Cordelia even before she had met 『Gille』. Cordelia had also heard that Sylvester came to the Pameradia mansion when the Queen visited the greenhouse. However, she had no way of knowing that her appearance while she was researching would captivate him.

I was really disappointed when my mother told me not to talk to you then. But I didnt realise that it was love at first sight until much later. At first, I just wanted to talk to the girl more and spend time with her. I also thought that it was unfair that Vernoux was close with you.

Love at first sight?

If it had only been love at first sight, then I probably wouldnt have realised that you were my first love. When you scolded me on the street, I couldnt say anything back and I thought I had done something uncool, so I wrote you a letter, and I was happy that you wrote back to me. And from then, I wanted to talk to you more.

When she heard that story at the park, she felt like cowering if only there werent so many people around. Even so, she managed to maintain her composure, but Sylvester didnt hold back.

Im not rushing you for an answer. But, dont forget that I told you to prepare yourself.

Those words had been incredibly embarrassing, and yet she was troubled since she wasnt put off by them. And she couldnt help but think that Sylvester often threw her off her pace.

As for the rose, Vernoux told her, 『Youre really slow, arent you?』but she could only retort, 『I didnt think Gille-sama would know my real name, and that it was a coincidence. How was I to know that His Highness would go incognito with you?』

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