Volume 6, Act 54: At the Royal Capital for the First Time in Ages Part 03

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

When Cordelia returned to her room, she cut open the seal on the letter from Marquis Flantheim and five pieces of paper were neatly folded inside. He was completely different from Vernoux who finished his letters in a few sentences, and Cordelia smiled wryly when she thought about how Marquis Flantheim had made Elvis wait until he had finished writing the letter.

The letter began with how he had met Elvis by chance. After that, he continued to write about his wife, Sara, for what felt like forever, so Cordelia decided to put those aside for now and skipped three pages of writing. Then, in the second half of the fourth page, he wrote that he would be attending the Pameradias evening party.

『I asked Elvis if he would be dancing with you, but he only answered me with a vicious glare. Ive never seen him dance before, so I was really looking forward to it. 』

Cordelia, who saw this sentence, thought that Elvis didnt dance because the Marquis had gone out of his way to say something like that.

『When I asked him if Vernoux could dance with you, he didnt even react to me. 』

Cordelia felt exhausted when she saw this sentence.

The Marquis might not have been serious about that, but if such a thing had happened, then it would become a state of emergency where people will think that Vernoux is her fiancé.

Vernoux was a very reliable friend, but she didnt think that they had any feelings of love between them. On the contrary, if she had told this to the person himself, then he would snort and make fun of her, What? Did you fall in love with me?

However, Cordelia tilted her head and wondered what kind of lady Vernoux would marry in the future. The Marquis had said, 『Find your own wife! 』, but she couldnt imagine him flirting with a lady.

Well, putting Vernoux-samas future aside, I have to worry about my own future.

Even though one of her fears had completely disappeared thanks to Elviss words, she still had concerns.

Yes, they were about Shelley.

If we dont have to see each other, then thats fine.

However, things probably wont go that way. Rumours of her adulthood have even reached Cordelia. It seemed like she had not grown into a docile lady.

She pulled herself together and put the letter in her desk. Ill read about his wife slowly later, she thought before heading to the dining room.


Cordelia reached the day before her birthday evening party while preparing for various things.

I thought I might be a little nervous, but its beyond my expectations. Im extremely nervous right now.

Cordelia was drinking tea in the greenhouse to calm down, but her nerves wouldnt settle down at all. Emina smiled at her.

Its a grand occasion, so please have fun Is what I would like to say, but I can understand how you feel. I couldnt sleep the night before either.

You couldnt sleep either, Emina?

Yes. My speech flew right out of my head, and I desperately tried to keep it together.

Thats exactly how I feel right now.

Cordelia shrugged a little at Eminas words.

She still felt a bit nervous, but she was able to calm down a little bit after she heard that she wasnt the only one to feel like this.

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