Volume 06, Act 60: Determination Intensify Part 2

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles


Cordelia, who had been living hectically, received evening party invitations from her regulars and from women who she met from Nirupama, and was gradually showing up to them.

One day, Hazel came into the store.

Cordelia guided her to the small room at the back of the store. Different from the workshop and warehouse, this room was used for business discussions and to entertain special guests.

I heard, Cordelia-sama. People are calling you the 『Queen of Flowers』these days.

Those rumours Im not happy with them to be honest.

Oh, but everyone is calling you that with pure respect.

Im also very grateful for that, but

The end of that sentence was I want them to take it a little easy on me.

The evening parties where the young and older women interacted became a great place for her to advertise her commodity, and Cordelia was surrounded by a lot of women each time, to the point that she couldnt move. And she began being called what Hazel had just said earlier, 『Queen of Flowers』.

They had probably given her this title because of the essential oils and the plant magic that her Pameradia House was famous for, but it was an exaggeration. If possible, she wanted a cuter nickname.

Next time, Ill have to go and see how the 『Queen of Flowers』is doing.

Please dont make fun of me anymore.

Of course, she was happy that they appreciated her and were interested in her products. Even more so if they love the products.

But I thought it was strange when I saw the women in the shop. There are a lot of women who use various kinds of balms and perfumes, but the fragrances dont seem to mix together very much.

Thats because of magic.

If the different fragrances mixed together, then people could choke from the smell. Therefore, Cordelia cast magic on the cosmetics in the store.

For example, she cast magic on the ingredients that would become the base of the cosmetics so that it would pull back the scent and not drift too far away if there were other scents nearby. Each base repelled other fragrances in the air like a magnet. At the same time, she also cast magic that regulated the concentration so that the fragrance wouldnt suddenly become stronger for the consumer. If the scent suddenly became stronger, then it might agitate the consumers throat and nose.

(It wasnt easy to come up with the magic for this, but Im really glad that theres magic in this world.)

Cordelia was grateful from the bottom of her heart for being born into a house where she could use such magic. It was fun to think about the combinations of things she could do because of her previous life magic and what she couldnt do if she didnt have magic in this world, even more so when things went well.

(However, I want to also talk about the interests of the ladies who I dont know I wonder if I can do this when things settle down a bit more.)

It was possible for her to take a peek at the ladys interests from the questions that were asked, but she had already made most of those products. If she wanted to make something new, then she would have to talk to the ladies more.

By the way, Cordelia-sama. How is the search for your fated partner?

Uoah, fated, you say?

Oh my, are you upset?

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