16 ☠️

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My eyes widened, the situation slowly sinking in; we were stuck in a dry and hot desert. "Is everyone alright?" Chan asked first thing, looking around him counting heads. As soon as he said it, I couldn't help but check as well. It would probably take some getting used to to watch out for a total of nine people instead of just one. Everyone seemed a little bewildered, but physically alright. Even Jeongin, who got injured quite badly, seemed to be doing okay because of Seungmin's help. It looked quite sad still, the bandage wrapped around his head, but he seemed to be back to being optimistic. Or at least on the outside.

"We need to find water if we want to stay in our right minds here," Chan insisted right after, earning a nod or hum from a few of us. For now that was probably the most important. "How about the splitting up? You still wanna do so here? I'm not sure whether it will be even more difficult or easier to spot each other here," Minho confirmed with Chan. "I think it might be best yeah, but just to look for water or anything useful, out of the ordinary. I don't think we'll be able to make many tools here with just sand." I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at his remark. We had to make the most of it right?

"Then why don't we split up in pairs instead? With one group of three? Each going a different way, north, east, south and west. That's probably a better way to check the area the fastest since we have no clue of where to go," Seungmin suggested. Though I expected Chan to disagree, he instead agreed quite easily. "How are we going to pick the pairs? Any ideas? It might be best for me and Changbin to be paired with either Seungmin and Jeongin, in case you start feeling unwell."

"Actually, I was thinking me and Y/N could go," Seungmin argued, his eyes meeting my surprised ones. Me? Why on earth? I thought he disliked me. Is he trying to get rid of me or anything? "Since she has a good memory and intuition, plus my ability to stay quickly adapt if necessary, I think it might be easy for us to get a good overview together," he argued. In a way he had a point, but I still didn't understand, it's not like we'd stand out as a team particularly in how amazing we'd be together, plus it would make more sense to do as Chan said, but I wasn't stupid enough to not notice there was something else on his mind when he suggested it.

"Do you think you could handle it Y/N? Carrying him I mean?" Chan asked to my surprise. He was going along with it? I thought he disliked to be spoken against judging from the downside he wrote on the note. I mentally sighed, only another point proving I really knew nothing about these guys. "Of course, I'm used to carrying things... probably around his weight," I argued, looking Seungmin up and down real quick to make an estimation. Probably around 60 kilograms, just a little heavier than the two sacks of flour I'd carry up and down for grannie.

"Then, how about the rest?" Chan asked, looking at the others. Within a matter of seconds Hyunjin was already clinging to Jeongin, Jisung doing the same to Minho. Chan stared for a couple of seconds, letting out a sigh. "Right. Changbin, why don't you join Hyunjin and Jeongin? In case Jeongin's injury starts bugging him. Me and Felix will team up too then." Changbin nodded, glancing over at Felix for a brief second, as if he had other plans in mind originally. Maybe those two were closer than they originally showed?

It was just the smallest things, but each one made me realize just how much more effort I'd need to put into getting to know these guys. There had to be reasons for why some seemed a lot closer than others, but why? If it hadn't been for this game I wouldn't have cared, but all of the relationships there are in this group could affect the efficiency of how we worked together. Maybe if I knew, I'd be able to steer things a little when they go wrong. Because they are bound to in situations like these.

"Then why don't we make this simple?" Chan started, pointing at each already devided group. We simply go the ways we are standing in now, when the sun," he said, pointing at it, which was hanging right above us, "is halfway down, we turn back to the original point, so no going sidetracked. Just walk in a straight line, make a 180 and go back. We should find each other again that way. All agree? Everyone nodded, all seeming to go to plan. Seungmin and I took North, Chan and Felix east, Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin took south, and Minho and Jisung west. I think, at least, basing it off the sun's point. It was probably altered by studio lights anyways, but at least they did a damned good job at moderating it.

"Alright then, see you at sunset!"

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