Chapter Two

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Hey sweeties here’s the next part!!


Chapter Two The Flat


“LOUIS WAKE UP!!!!” Harry yelled right next to my ear. I groaned turning my face into my pillow. I felt Harry jump up and down on my bed. “Get up or I let Niall eat all of your carrots!”

“YAY!” I heard Niall shout from another room.

I shot up. “Don’t you dare let that Leprechaun touch my carrots! They’re mine!”

“Then get up we need to pick your mum and the girl up at the airport in an hour.” Harry got down from my bed.

“Don’t call her “The Girl” Harry she has a name, it’s Prinny.” Liam said walking into the room. “Still not up Lou? Shame on you, you’re becoming just as bad as Zayn.”

“Prinny? Who names their daughter Prinny?”

“I think its short for Primrose, Harry.”

“Oh I like Prinny much better, it’s easier to say.”

I smiled as the two talked back and forth about the girl’s name. I got out of bed and walked to my closet changing into a pair of my signature red Chinos, striped shirt, suspenders, and TOMS. Leaving the room I went into the bathroom taking a quick shower and brush my teeth and hair. Walking back to my bed room I saw Harry and Liam still there arguing over one thing or another. “Well come on, don’t we need to leave?” I smiled.

I walked into the living room seeing Zayn on the couch with Niall watching some cartoon or another. I suddenly felt a surge of energy, running to the two boys I jumped up on the couch on top of them. “Come on come on! Let’s go meet my new sister!” I jumped off them and bounced out of the flat.


I stood with the boys in the airport waiting for my mum and new sister. Liam had come up with an idea for us to hold up signs for her. Liam’s said “Welcome”, Niall’s said “To”, Zayn’s had “England”, Harry’s was “Prinny”, and I didn’t have one because I wanted to be able to have my hands free so that I could give her a big hug. I saw my mum walking towards us with an adorable small girl next to her. Tossing a smile to the boys I ran up to her and pulled her into a big hug. “Hello little sister, I’m Louis your new big brother!” I shouted. I felt her arms hesitantly go up to hug me back. I let her go and grabbed her hand. “Come on you need to meet your other new brothers!” I shouted pulling her towards the boys.


After stepping off the private jet I had been completely exhausted. The last 24 hours had been an emotional roller coaster. Yet here I was in England, completely out of my element. I was just a little western girl, what was I doing in England?

Looking up I saw a thin boy running towards me, he looked slightly familiar. Shockingly as soon as he reached me he pulled me straight into a bear hug. It was a nice hug and I couldn’t help but hug him back.

“Hello little sister, I’m Louis your new big brother!” He shouted excitedly. He was kind of like a chipmunk on caffeine. He let go of me but only to grab my hand and pull me towards a group of 4 boys holding signs saying “Welcome to England Prinny!!” I took a closer look at the other boys and realized they also looked somewhat familiar.

“Ok babe so let me introduce you to the boys! This is Liam Payne.” Louis pointed to the one holding the welcome sign, he had brown eyes, hair kind of like a buzz cut, and was smiling somewhat like a puppy. “This is Niall Horan.” Next the one holding the sign that said to, he was absolutely adorable with his blonde hair, blue eyes, and bright smile. “That’s Zayn Malik.” He indicated to the one with the England sign, he was different than the others, he had darker skin than the others and his hair was pitch black perfectly styled, he didn’t really have much of a smile on his face. “And that curly haired freak is Harry Styles.” He gestured to the last boy.

I smiled at them slightly and softly said “Hello”. The one Louis had introduced as Liam walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Shy one aren’t ya?” He asked. I looked up at his much taller frame and nodded, a small blush coming to my cheeks. “Well we will just have to fix that now wont we?” I looked over my shoulder at Jay wondering if she was coming with as Liam began to pull me from the building.

“I’m going to meet up with you later dear, I need to finish up some stuff at home before we get you settled in so you’re going to spend the day with the boys.” I nodded and began to walk with Liam.

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Well there’s chapter two, let me know what you think.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now