Chapter Thirty

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Hello sweeties!

I know I promised to update about everyday but for the last few days I have been sick with the flu and just rolling over in bed made me feel sick to my stomach.

I know this chapter is going to suck because I am still kind of wonky from being sick and I’m really sorry.

Got a lot of stuff on my plate right now really stressed. Maybe this week I will be able to get a lot of writing done for you guys…maybe not…. A few months ago somebody threatened to shoot 5 students at 5 schools on April 15th in my school district/area so that’s got me really preoccupied and worried and keeping me from writing. Sorry guys. :/

Anyway here’s chapter thirty.

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Chapter Thirty Farm House


            It had been a few days since Prinny and I had last kissed and she hadn’t said much to Louis and me since. She was still angry at us for fighting. Couldn’t really blame her considering we had completely trashed the kitchen and when Management had found out they had called her and yelled at her for it all. Actually I wouldn’t even say he yelled at her, no one could yell at Prinny. If you yelled at her it would be like kicking a puppy, you would feel like the worst person alive. It was because of her big doe eyes, she could make anyone a completely innocent man plead guilty to a murder and Management was surprisingly no exception when it came to her.

            I was getting tired of her avoiding me. I wanted to talk to her about the kiss, I wanted to ask her out on a real date.

            I didn’t know the exact time or reason I had fallen for her, maybe it had been that first day at the park, or when I had first found her at the café and she wanted to get us breakfast, maybe it was from the first moment I had met her. The time didn’t matter, the reason didn’t matter, all that mattered was that every day I was falling for her more and more, harder and harder.

            To be honest the fact that she had such a hold on me terrified me. I was terrified that one of us would get hurt, I was terrified that I would get hurt. After Perrie and I broke up I had fallen into a depressive state. She had been my everything, but paparazzi, the press, and rumors had broken us up. Countless times one or both of us had been accused of cheating. And not only having all of that stacked against our relationship the fact that we were both in famous bands that took up most of our time didn’t help things at all. We weren’t able to be together as much as we had wanted and that had torn us apart. Perrie had been the one to end us, we said it was a mutual thing but she had been the one to really put an end to our relationship. When it was all over and done I had felt as if my entire heart had been torn out. I thought I was in love with her but now I realize what I had at one point might have been love but now it was nothing compared to the feelings I had for my Flower.

             I looked over at the clock in my room seeing that it was still early. Maybe Prinny was up. Thinking of some baked good or another I left my room in search of her.

            I didn’t have to look around long, she was lying on her back on the couch. One arm was hanging off the side and the other was clutching Sidekick to her who was also asleep on her chest. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. Her lips were slightly parted soft air coming out as she breathed. She had on a pair of purple boxer shorts, a purple t-shirt that said ‘I hate you’, a cute little sleep mask, and those puff ball slippers that she loved. I couldn’t resist, Prinny sleeping like that was just too adorable to pass up, I took out my phone and snapped a picture tweeting it along with the text “Sleeping Beauty getting her beauty rest J”.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now