Chapter Forty One

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Hey sweeties!!

Just a heads up this one’s a sad chappy again.

Here’s the next installment!

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Chapter Forty One The Flat


            It had been one week since I had last seen Prinny. One week, seven days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes, 604,800 seconds. There were so many ways to measure the time I had been away from the girl I loved. The girl I had hurt.

            One week I had suffered without her, wishing I could prove to her how much she really meant to me. In hindsight I had realized that I had denied our relationship because I was afraid. I was afraid she would get to close and I would only end up hurt. Since the beginning I had been afraid of what I had felt for her. I was afraid of the pain that a broken relationship could cause.

            Well guess what buddy you might have thought that you were keeping yourself from being hurt but all you managed was to hurt the one girl who ever meant anything to you. And that hurts you to. A voice in my head scolded me.

            Don’t you think I already know what I did? Don’t you think I regret it? I hate that I hurt her, that I made her cry. I hate that even now she thinks I don’t love her.

            Then do something about it!

            Like what? I can’t get anywhere near her, Corra made sure of that.

            You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out. Good luck sweetie.

            Wait I need your help! The voice in my head didn’t answer me back. I shook my head confused. Did I really just have a conversation with a voice in my head? Not having Prinny around was causing me to lose it. I needed to see her.

            One last thing sweetie. Prinny’s all alone at the girls flat today and they keep a spare key taped under the flower pot by the door.

            Maybe the voice was useful.

-Corra, Leena, and Farah’s Flat-

            I used the spare key to let myself into the flat. My entire heart was standing in the living room looking at a flower arraignment. Hearing me close the door she swiftly turned around eyes wide and shocked to see me. She backed up a step,

                "Please listen to me flower." I walked over to Prinny and placed my hands on her shoulders only to have her jerk away.

                "Don’t!" She said harshly moving away from my touch.

            I slowly dropped my hands to my side pain tearing through me. "Alright damn it I won’t touch you."

          "What do you want Zayn?" Prinny asked turning her back to me as she began messing with one of Farah’s arraignments.

            "You said you loved me."

            She spun around white with anger "How can you throw that in my face?"

            "Was it a lie?"

           She opened her mouth then shut it again raising her chin she finally said, "I loved the man I thought you were."

            I winced but didn’t back away. "Direct hit flower." I said quietly. "You surprise me."

           "Why because I’m not going to stand here and eat up every fake word you say to me? Do I look like I’m stupid?"

           "Don’t" She looked visibly shaken by the pain I put into that one word. She turned away back to the flowers.

            "I'm sorry Zayn. I don’t want to say spiteful things. It would be better for both of us if you just left."

         "The hell it would, if you’ve been half as miserable as I’ve been. Have you been able to sleep Prinny? I haven’t"

        "Please just leave Zayn." I took a deep breath my hands clenching into fists I could feel everything falling more and more apart and it was my own fault.

           "Please just listen to me flower I don’t want us to end." I tried taking her hand but again she jumped away. I looked at her face and saw all the pain I had caused her. This was my own fault and I was struggling to find a way to fix it.

          "What is there to end when as you said there never was anything to begin with." Her voice was completely bereft.

              Where had the happy young girl I loved gone?

              She’s not yours anymore just like she said you never really had her but instead you had to go and end everything before you could love her and now look at her you’ve broken her so much that she’s no longer who she was.

               "Flower please just let me explain."

              "Don’t call me flower." She said with not even an ounce of her usual cheeriness as she left the flat.

              My eyes stung and reaching up I found a wetness on my cheeks. I was crying? I had never cried over a girl before but I had never felt the pain that ripped through my heart like it was now. Seeing her in pain hurt more than anything it showed me that I had broken the only sunshine left in my life and I was helpless to get it back.

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So I’m really excited for this chapter. I wrote it back during chapter 15 and I’ve been just waiting to be able to use it.

Can you guess who the voice is?

Zayn gif on the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now