Chapter Seven

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Hey sweeties! Right now I’m at school enjoying some coffee in the library while I listen to One Direction but there’s a really bad winter storm going on outside. Anyone else in the area of the storm?

Well here’s chapter seven!!


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Chapter Seven The Flat


I looked down at the warm ball of a girl in my arms. She looked kind of cute all cuddled up next to me. I was wrong about her. Her nice girl personality wasn’t an act. She was honestly just a sweet shy girl. I smiled down at her sleeping form. She wasn’t what I expected. I had first thought that she was going to be a fake just getting close to us so that she could use us like many other people had. I didn’t give my trust out easily but this little sprite of a girl had somehow won mine. She was truly a genuine person. This morning she tried to buy the boys and I breakfast. Anyone else probably would have just assumed that we would make something at the flat. And then last night after we had all fallen asleep she made sure that we were comfortable.

The movie ended Primrose still asleep in my arms. I brushed her hair away from her face, her nose twitched adorably as she opened her lovely green eyes.


I felt someone brush my hair away from my face. I opened my eyes and looked up into beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. Still half asleep I snuggled deeper into his body laying my cheek against his chest. He was so warm I just didn’t want to get up. “Primrose you need to get up we have to get ready for the concert.” Zayn whispered in my ear.

“I don’t wanna get up.” I mumbled into his chest. I felt him chuckle against my cheek.

“Fine I’ll just have to make you get up.” He said mischievously.

“Bring it.” I mumbled still half asleep. His warmth left me and suddenly I was tickled by 5 pairs of hands. I screamed in laughter trying to swat them away. Just then Zayn seemed to find where I was most ticklish, the back of my knees.

“Right here boys!! She’s most ticklish in the back of her knees.” Zayn said triumphantly.

Niall, Harry, and Liam held me down while Louis tickled my sides and Zayn got my most ticklish spot. “Ok I’m up.” I said breathlessly, pushing them away.

Louis grabbed my hand to help me up and yelled, “PRINNY WE HAVE A CONCERT TONIGHT! WE HAVE TO GET YOU READY!!”

“Louis shhh. You don’t need to yell.”

“BUT IT’S YOUR FIRST TIME SEEING US PREFORM! OH MY GOD WE NEED TO MAKE YOU LOOK PERFECT!!” Louis picked me up, ran to my room and tossed me on the bed I bounced one time and fell over on to the floor. Louis walked to my closet and started going through it tossing things over his shoulder in his excitement.

“You’re making a mess Louis!” I said as a shirt landed on top of my head, Louis just ignored me. The others walked into the room going over to help Louis pick something.

“She should wear something warm so that she’s not cold.” Liam stated pulling out a long sleeve shirt.

“She will just be hot in that she should wear a sexy dress.” Harry said handing me a short, tight, black dress.

“Greens pretty.” Niall said from behind everyone.

“I want stripes!” Louis said.

“She should wear a varsity jacket.” Zayn said joining in getting excited as well.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now