Chapter Eleven

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Hello sweeties!!

Updating at 2:28 am!

So I have decided to make this into kind of a series where each new story will be about a different one of the boys obviously the first one is about Zayn and Prinny and I’m thinking story two will be about Niall and his princess.

Speaking of Niall anyone wondering what Zayn meant back at the interview?

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Chapter Eleven The Flat


I woke up early the next morning in my bed. One of the boys must have carried me here after I fell asleep during the movie. Getting up I walked to the dresser I pulled out a pair of purple shorts then went into Zayn’s room. I felt like having a lazy day and I knew the boys wanted one too after everything that had happened this last week. Seeing that Zayn was still soundly sleeping I went over to his closet and took out a shirt that said ‘Cool Kids Don’t Dance’. Leaving his room I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once finished showering I quickly dried my hair putting it into a messy braid, I put on some mascara and quickly got dressed deciding on just wearing my glasses for the day. My feet were a little cold so I went back into my room and grabbed my white TOMS. I heard a few banging noises in the kitchen and went to find out who was up.

I saw Niall in the kitchen tears gathering in his eyes as he pulled at his hair. “What’s wrong darlin’?”

Niall looked up at me having not realized I was up. “Nothing, I’m fine. I’m just making some breakfast want to help.” Niall gave me a fake smile and I just silently shook my head at him. I walked over to him and pulled him into the living room sitting him down on the couch. He looked up at me confused and I sat down next to him.

“Don’t lie to me Niall. At the interview when the host asked about being in a relationship you looked sad, all day after you weren’t your usually smiles and laughs, and now this morning I find you in the kitchen about to break down. What’s up?”

“Two years today.” Niall said looking down tears gathering in his eyes once more.

“Two years since what?”

“Two years since I lost her, lost my princess.” I saw a tear fall from his eyes.

“Start from the beginning.” I reached out and took Niall’s hand reassuringly.

“After my parents divorced Greg and I went to live with our dad. Next door lived a girl the same age as me, Libby Donovan. My first day with dad I was sitting in the front yard and this nerdy little girl with violet eyes and red hair came up to me holding some book. She had these big glasses that seemed almost too big for her face.” Niall chuckled over the memory. “She came up to me and said ‘Hi I’m Libby, what’s your name?’. We became best friends that day, she was my princess. We were inseparable, we used to talk about our dreams all the time, she wanted to be a baker. I have had so many different types of food but none compare to her cooking.” Niall shook his head in wonder. “I fell in love with her that first day we met. Through the entire time we were on the X Factor she stood by me supporting me. When it was all over and done I was going to tell her how I felt. I had this big elaborate plan, I planned it for her birthday, I was going to take her to dinner, and I had this necklace for her. It was kind of like one of those matching necklaces with the two parts. It was two halves of a heart one half some kind of gold with a lock and the other was silver with a clover key. Every year I would get her some kind of gift with a shamrock on it. I knew she would love it. After dinner I took her to a park, told her I loved her, and sh-she said she loved me back.” Niall’s shoulders began to shake as he cried I went into his lap putting my arms around him, he buried his head in the space between my neck and shoulder. “For a month we were happy then it all came crashing down. She told me I was changing, that I was becoming a spoiled pop star, she was right I just didn’t want to admit it. We started yelling at each other and I-I told her to-to get out that we were over. I should never have said that. Even after I said it I couldn’t believe what I had done. I loved her so much and yet there I was telling her it was over. The next day I called her to apologize, to try and get her back but she didn’t answer so I went over to her flat to see if she was there but she wasn’t. I called her parents, her friends, any one I could think of but no one knew a thing. A week later she was still missing, a month went by and nothing, then a year my detectives still couldn’t find her, now it’s been two years and she’s still gone, no one has seen her or heard from her. Her parents are worried sick, her twin brother hates me because he knows it’s my fault she went missing. She’s gone because of me, my princess could be dead or hurt and it’s my fault.” Niall completely broke down then, there was nothing I could say so I just held him and softly sung the Barney song in his ear until he calmed down.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now