Chapter Thirty Two

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Hey sweeties!

Was in Spanish today right before I was going to take a test that I haven’t studied at all for but thank goodness the junior and senior class was called down to the auditorium for an assembly. The assembly was about teen killers and teen bullying and things like that. The man who presented all of this was Phil Chalmers who is an amazayn man. He is an American author, youth activist, television personality, he trains officers on teen murder. Phil Chalmers is known as “Americas Leading Authority on Juvenile Homicide”. He has interviewed over 200 teen killers, school shooters, and serial killers personally. He is a huge anti-bullying activist. On the side I have a video he and music artist L.G. Wise made to promote the stopping of bullying.

Bullying is a very serious problem in today’s world. Teens right and left are committing suicide over it, resorting to self-harm, and most scary of all they are becoming school shooters killing their bully and those around them. Please don’t let another minute pass by letting someone around you get bullied.

So off of the sad notes of that here is the next chapter.

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Chapter Thirty Two the Date

            I sat on the ground, Zayn’s head lay in my lap as I absent mindedly played with his hair. We were into a second movie and at this moment were enjoying companionable silence. I couldn’t believe the trouble he must have gone through to do all of this for me. My heart swelled, everything he did made me love him more and more.

            My phone vibrated in my pocket disturbing the lovely mood. “Hello?” I answered.

            “How’s my favorite little Flower?” Justin’s disturbing voice cooed in my ear using the pet name that Zayn had given me.

            “Don’t call me that.” Chills went down my spine and Zayn sat up looking at me questioningly.

            “Oh now don’t act like that baby, it makes me feel like you don’t love me.”

            “What do you want.”

            “Do I really need a reason to call my girlfriend?” He asked sickly sweet.

            I ground my teeth. “I’m not your girlfriend.”

            “Who is that Prinny?” Zayn asked voice filled with concern.

            I waved Zayn off as Justin continued talking. “Nice brother you have by the way. Seems to really care about you, not bad looking either.” He said nonchalantly. My whole body froze. “Would be a shame if he got hurt. Till next time Flower.” He hung up.

            The phone dropped dead to my lap. “Who was that Prinny?” Zayn asked putting his hands on my shoulders.

            Justin’s last words rang through my head. I jumped up pulling Zayn with me back to the car. “We need to go now.”

            “Prinny what is going on?” Slight anger filled Zayn’s voice. I choose to ignore him again but he dug his heels in the ground halting our movements. “We aren’t going anywhere until you explain what is going on.”

            I sighed and looked into his eyes seeing that I wouldn’t be able to budge him. “Justin has been out of jail for the last few months. He’s been calling me ever since the night of the benefit. That was him on the phone a second ago and I think he’s planning on hurting Louis.”

            “Why didn’t you tell us this before when we asked you about it!?” Zayn roughly grabbed my shoulders.

            “How was I supposed to tell you? Hey guys want some cookies? Oh by the way the guy who killed my parents is out of jail and keeps giving me threatening calls!”

            We glared at each other not saying a word, at a stalemate. My phone rang again. “What!” I barked into it.

            “Prin-Prinny,” Niall’s choked up voice sobbed into the phone. “It’s Louis. H-he got hurt. They had to take him to the hospital. Oh God Prinny.” Niall broke down into uncontrollable sobs.

            Shock filled me. I thought I would have time to protect Louis before that psycho got to him. I fell to my knees on the ground just clutching the phone to my chest silent tears descending down my cheeks.

            “Prinny what happened?” Zayn knelt beside me taking me into his arms.

            “Tha-that bastard hurt my brother.” Anger over what he had done took over all other emotions in me, I stood up my hands balling into fists. “What hospital?” I asked.

            Niall gave me the name of the hospital and soon Zayn and I were on our way to my brother.


            I ran into the hospital building and straight up to the front desk. “Louis Tomlinson, where is he!” I yelled frantic at the lady behind the desk. She held up a finger at me and slowly began typing on the computer. “Sometime today!” I said rudely to her.

            “Prinny?” A broken voice called to me.

            I turned around finding a sad and scared Niall looking so small in the large room. Leaving Zayn to deal with the lady I went over to Niall drawing him against me as he sobbed against my shoulder. “Shh darling everything is going to be okay now.” I soothed him rubbing his back trying to keep myself from breaking down again. Theatrics would do nothing to help Louis.

            “Oh God Prinny it was awful.”

            “What happened?”

            “H-he heard a noise outside and went to find out what it was. After 10 minutes he didn’t come back and Harry started to worry so we went looking for him. We found him out in the field. It was like he was dead. No matter what we did he wouldn’t wake up.” Niall broke down into tears again as Zayn wrapped his arms around both of us. I let myself succumb to the fear and sorrow that was flowing through my body for only a moment. “Liam and Harry are up in the waiting room upstairs right now.” Niall said when he calmed down again.

            Following Niall we went upstairs to where both Harry and Liam were dejectedly sitting in chairs.

            “How is he?” I asked I asked the doctor that had been giving them news.

            “He’s out of surgery now and we are moving him into a more private room. The damage isn’t that bad, broken leg and mild concussion. He should be awake soon.”

            “Can-can I see him?” My resolve to be strong was crumbling.

            “Of course but only one person at a time and you can only be in there for a few minutes.” I nodded and the doctor led me to where my brother’s room was.

            Louis was lying pale against crisp white hospital sheets. His leg was in a sling and his forehead was all bandaged up. Seeing him like that made me completely break. I fell into the chair on the side of Louis’s bed. Taking his cold hand in mine I laid my forehead against the bed and let the tears I had been holding back fall down my face as I cried over the still and quietness of this once amazing, childish, vibrant boy.

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Me: Oh Louis! I’m sorry I had to do that to you sweetie!!! *Clings to Louis*

Louis: Umm I’m not really hurt, it’s just a story. *Tries to pull away*

Me: Shh, shh my love. Everything will be okay soon. *strokes Louis’s hair*

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Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now