Chapter Fourteen

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Here’s Chapter Fourteen sweeties!

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Chapter Fourteen The Flat


I woke up the next morning with my back pressed against a hard warm object. The air felt cold around me so I cuddled closer to it not wanting to wake up just yet. I felt a slight pressure against one of my breasts almost like a hand was cupping it. I shot my eyes open to find a large tan hand pressed to my breast over my heart. I tore myself away my eyes traveled from the hand up an arm and finally ending on Zayn’s face, I watched as his forehead creased from the loss of my warmth. His eyes slowly opened as he woke up. “I was comfortable you know, did you really have to jump away like that?”

“Did you not realize where your hand was?”

“My hand has a mind of its own it likes to grab onto perfect things.” I blinked a blush coming to my face. I swear I had blushed more in the time that I had been living with the boys than in my entire life. “Look.” Zayn pointed to the others sleeping. Harry had his arm wrapped about Leena’s waist from behind his other arm her pillow, Liam and Farah slept facing each other not touching at all except for their hands which they held between each other. And then Louis and Corra, just seeing how they were took my breath away. Corra slept on her back, Louis half on his side half on her, his arms were low about Corra’s waist, his legs entwined with hers, his head facing the side resting on her chest, Corra had her arms lovingly wrapped around Louis’ shoulders and neck one of her hands in his hair.

“They’re in love.” I stated.

Zayn looked at me eyes wide. “How did you know? I only figured it out a few months ago.”

“I’m cupid. Where’s Niall?” I asked looking around not seeing his adorable face anywhere.

“Said he had an idea for a song and locked himself in his room.” Zayn shrugged.

“I’m going to go check on him.” I grabbed my phone which I found sitting on an end table and took a picture of each of the sleeping pairs, it was just something to cute to pass up. I looked down at Corra and Louis’ sleeping form one last time before heading to Niall’s room.

“Niall can I come in.” I asked knocking on his door.

“Uhh yeah just hold on a second.” I heard the lock unclick and then the door was opened showing me a frustrated Niall. His hair was a complete mess as if he had been tugging at it. I walked into his room and shut the door, turning to him I pulled him into my arms. Niall placed his head in the space between my neck and shoulder and sighed shakily.

“Something happened didn’t it?”

“My detective said that he was going to drop the case. He said that since it’s been two years and he’s not had even one clue about her then she’s most likely dead.” I felt a wetness against my neck and rubbed Niall’s back. “But I know she’s out there Prinny. I can feel it! If she was gone I would know it because my heart would be dead with her.”

“Then we will hire another detective and if that one can’t find her then another. I promise you Niall if you feel as if she’s still alive then we will find her. We aren’t going to give up.” I said fiercely. “We will find her!”

“Thank you Prinny, for everything.” Niall sighed pulling out of my arms taking a good look at me. “God you look awful.” He laughed.

“Hmm I wonder why? Maybe because I just woke up? Not everyone can be beautiful all the time you know.” I joked.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now