Chapter Twenty

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Hey sweeties!!!

This one goes to Cici0714 and her story Fake (a Zayn Story)!!

Go take a peek at her fan fic, its wonderful!!!

Omg guys its chapter twenty!!! It feels like it was only yesterday that I was uploading the first chapter. :)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter Twenty The Cabin

-Prinny- The Next Day

I woke up the next morning barely able to breath. Opening my eyes I found Zayn sleeping behind me with his arm around my waist, Louis had his entire body practically wrapped around me, Niall was asleep cuddled up at the foot of the bed, and Harry and Liam were asleep together on the floor. I smiled softly at the picture my boys made. Even after I had told them that it was my fault my parents were dead they still comforted me and loved me. For a few minutes I just listened to the soft breathing of the boys as the slept. Smiling again at them I extracted myself from Louis and Zayn going to stand over by the window. It was slightly drizzling outside, my favorite kind of weather.

Going over to the suitcases that the boys must have packed for me I pulled out a long sleeved Batman shirt, a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and a few other things. Quietly so not to wake to boys I went to take a shower. Once finished in the shower I dried my hair and applied a little make up and brushed my teeth. Going back into the bed room I found my yellow rain jacket that the boys had packed me, I grabbed my cowgirl rain boots, a pink bracelet, and a One Way necklace. I looked over at my bed finding that Niall had moved to where I previously had been, same position, same entanglement as I had been in just different person. I took my phone out and snapped a picture of all the boys, too cute to pass up. I grabbed a marker and went over to Niall scribbling a quick message on his forehead. Smiling at them one last time I left the cabin.


Slightly waking up I pulled the warm masculine body in my arms against my chest. Wait, masculine?  My eyes shot open finding Niall lying in between Louis and I instead of Prinny. Fear dragged through me but was soon replaced by relief when I saw Niall’s face. Laughter shook me, loud and long waking the others.

“What’s so funny Zayn?” Louis asked me sleepily. I pointed to Niall unable to form actual words. Louis too burst into laughter at the sight of Niall.

“What, what’s so funny?” Niall asked yawning still half asleep. Liam grabbed a compact mirror off the dresser handing it to Niall. “Went on an adventure be back soon. Prinny xoxo” Niall read slowly since the words looked backwards in the mirror. “Is that a treasure map Prinny drew on my cheek?” Niall asked turning his head to the side to get a better look.

“Looks like it lad.” Harry laughed.

Paul probably waking from all the noise we had been making came into the room stretching his arms out. “What’s up?” He asked

“Prinny went on an adventure and Niall has a treasure map on his face.” I answered finally controlling my laughter.

“Well go find her! She could get hurt out there all alone!” Paul told us. “Wait, actually no, Liam you, Niall, and Harry make breakfast, Zayn, Louis, you’re coming with me to find Prinny. Get ready quick we’re leaving in 15.”

Louis and I hopped out of Prinny’s bed and went to get ready as quickly as we could. I swear people were purposely giving me barely any time to get ready recently, I hadn’t been able to properly quiff my hair in forever and to be honest it was making me down right cranky. Finishing getting ready I went into my room grabbing a jacket and a mirror and went out to find Louis and Paul waiting for me at the door. “What’s with the stun gun thingy?” I asked Paul seeing that he held one.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now