Chapter Nine

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Hey sweeties!!

So in my honors chemistry class today we had to write a fictionally story with decomposition, composition, single replacement, and double replacement. Since I’m a cool chick I’m going to tell you my story.

A group of friends decided to go to the movies. Louis and Eleanor both came without dates but chose to see the comedy together. Niall and Danielle came together and Liam and Mary also came together. Niall and Mary both wanted to see the new mystery movie while Danielle and Liam wanted to see the new Disney movie. After arguing over the movie choice for a long time Mary and Danielle just decided to change dates. Zayn came with Perrie but he seemed to pay more attention to his mirror. When Perrie threatened to break the mirror Zayn stormed off with it and went to see the romantic comedy with the mirror being his new date leaving Perrie to wonder what just happened. Harry came with Taylor and they decided to see the action movie but after a while of Taylor talking about exboyfriends and songs Harry got tired of it and dumped her to go watch a documentary about cats on his own and Taylor went home to write a new song. The End

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Chapter Nine The Interview


While the boys were answering a few prequestions before it was time for me to go on I waited anxiously on the side. When the host asked about the relationships I watched Niall’s expression. He looked so sad when he said he hadn’t found his princess yet. Even though he had a smile on his face, the look in his eyes was so broken and depressed. Had something happened to the Irish boy? I didn’t have time to ponder over this anymore because the host gave the signal for me to come out on stage. I walked out and smiled and waved a little at the audience not watching my footing as I walked down a few steps to the lower part of the stage I slipped and fell down. The audience stilled in stunned silence. The first to do anything was Zayn as he calmly stood up and walked over to me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the couch setting me in his lap. I leaned back against his chest so embarrassed over what just happened. The crowd ‘awed’ over Zayn and I.

“So Prinny, are you having a nice trip here in England?” The host asked and the audience laughed over her little joke.

“Actually I’ve moved here.”

“Really have you found a place to live yet?”

“Right now I’m staying with the boys.”

“So how come no one has ever heard of you before Prinny? Why the sudden appearance?”

I felt as if the host was trying to hint at something rude and Louis came to my quick defense. “Prinny is actually my cousin. My mom had a younger brother but years ago they got into a fight and were separated. He moved to America to be with Prinny’s American mother and lost touch with us.”

“So then how is Prinny your ‘little sister’?”

“Jay adopted me.” I said quietly.

“What happened to your parents?”

“They...died three years ago in a break in.” I said hesitantly, I didn't like talking about what had happened.

“And during these last three years why haven’t you been with the Tomlinson’s?”

“I was juggled around between foster homes and many other distant relatives until I came to stay with Dr. Enfield, who I actually have known since I was a baby. He knew that my father had a sister and got into contact with her. She immediately adopted me and well here I am.”

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now