Chapter Twenty Six

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Hello sweeties!!

Not sure what to say…I’m tired.

Sorry I haven’t updated in the past few days, I was getting ready for spring break.

So umm, that’s it.

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            “Well that’s all the time we have for today! Thank you so much One Direction and Prinny Tomlinson for being here today!” The host thanked us as we waved goodbye to the audience.

            As soon as we were off stage I tripped over a cord. I felt my body falling only to be caught against a warm body.

            I looked up into gorgeous ocean blue eyes. “Hello love.” The man who had caught me said in his British accent as he pulled me into a more upright position. I heard Zayn practically growl behind me. “The names Derek.”

Chapter Twenty Six End of Interview


            “Love?” Derek asked looking down at me. I couldn’t seem to function words. He was gorgeous, a God in looks, he was Apollo. “What’s your name?”

            “Oh!” I snapped out of my daze. “I’m Prin-”

            “She’s not available.” Zayn interrupted me pulling me away from Derek and positioning me behind him.

            “Zayn!” I walked around him so that I could face Derek again. “My names Prinny Tomlinson.” I smiled at Derek.

            “What a lovely name for a beautiful girl. Could I treat you to coffee?” Derek asked and I had to suppress a gleeful girly squeal.

            “She doesn’t drink coffee.” Zayn butted in again arms crossed over his chest.

            “I do drink tea though.” I glared at Zayn.

            “Lovely would you like to meet for coffee and tea around 2?” Two, two I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was only 12 right now, that gave me about two hours to get home, change, and then meet him at the café.

            “2 sounds wonderful!”

            “We have a thing at 2.” Zayn inputted.

            “He’s lying. I’ll meet you at 2.” I gave Derek my number and Zayn pulled me off towards the boys who were currently munching at a small table filled with food that had been set up back stage.

            “What’s up with you mate?” Liam asked when he saw Zayn’s angry expression.

            “He’s mad because I have a date later.”

            “WHAT!?” Louis yelled loudly.

            “One of the interns asked me out on a date.” I looked at the ground suddenly shy.

            “Prinnyyyyy! Tell me all about him!” Niall said in a girly way. “Is he cute? How’s his butt? What’s his name? Where is he taking you?”

            “One question at a time Darlin’. His name is Derek. He’s very cute. I didn’t get to see his butt yet but I’m sure it’s fine just like the rest of him. He’s taking me out for coffee.”

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now