Chapter Three

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Chapter Three Limo


As we all settled into the limo I looked over at Prinny. She was a tiny thing, very short and small, I’d say she was about 15. Wait a minute didn’t Louis say she was 17? Before I could contemplate this anymore Niall spoke up and said, “So Prinny how old are you?”

“I’m 17.” She said so softly that even I had trouble hearing her and I was right next to her.

“What was that love?” Harry asked from where he sat next to Niall.

“I’m 17.” She said louder, her western accent only now coming out.

I looked down at her and smiled. “Well, well, well, looks like we got a little western cowgirl on our hands now don’t we boys?” She blushed at that statement.

“Liam get off my baby sister!” Louis shouted from where he was next to Zayn just now noticing how I had my arms around Prinny.

“Calm down Louis I’m just trying to get her comfortable.”

“I don’t care. Switch me seats I don’t trust you.” I sighed and switched with him.


I settled next to Prinny and put my arm around her, snuggling her up to me. She didn’t relax against me. I tried not to let it get to me since we had only just met today. “So Prinny tells us about yourself” Liam asked from his new spot next to Zayn who still hadn’t said a word.

“Like what?” She asked in her small voice.

“Mmm,” Harry hummed in appreciation of her western accent.

I ignored him. “Favourites, music, go!” She looked at me confused so I explained, “Favourite song, who it’s by, Favourite band, and genre.”

“Umm, Layla by Eric Clapton, The Beatles, Classic Rock.” She said her voice only slightly louder than it had been before.

“What no One Direction?” Harry and I asked shocked.

“Who?” She asked quiet again.

“Oh my god Lou, your sister doesn’t know who we are.” Zayn finally spoke up.

“Aren’t they that really popular boy band here in England?”

“Babe we are One Direction.” Niall stated bluntly.

She looked back at him. “Oh”, she stated quiet as a mouse. I smiled down at her, she was just too cute.

“Ok back to learning about Prinny. Movie, actor, color, book, speed round go!”

“The Swan Princess, Katherine Heigl, Winthrop Peach, Black Hills.” She giggled.

“Dream job?”

“Author or English Professor.” She stated plainly then looking down and blushing.

“Really? What makes you want to do that?”

“My mom was an author.” Her voice was barely a whisper. I tightened my arm around her.

“And being an English Professor?”

“English was always my best subject and I enjoy it.” She shrugged.

“You hear that Zayn she wanted to be and English Professor too?” I smile at him and he just smirks.

I hear a yawn and look down at her in my arms. “Go ahead take a nap, I’ll wake you up when we get home.” She nods and closes her eyes. A few minutes later I hear her breathing even, knowing she’s asleep I turn to the boys. “I have a baby sister”, I say proudly.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now