Chapter Ten

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Hey Sweeties!

This one’s for my new friend daneedirection12!!!!

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Chapter Ten The Park


Strolling through the park with Primrose, we enjoyed our ice cream in companionable silence. I secretly glanced over at her, she was walking along holding her ice cream with both hands close to her face. I watched as her tongue darted out to take a small quick taste of her ice cream. She was in her own world, she was adorable. I slightly smiled down at her and she choose that moment to look up at me.

“Is there something on my face?” She asked.

“No just thinking.” I answered looking away slightly blushing.

“Well there is on you.” She said mischievously. I looked down at her in confusion and suddenly she tapped my nose with her ice cream playfully.

“You’re going to get it now.” I gave her my best evil smile. She made a small squeak and took off running, me quickly following. She looked back at me a few times giggling racing around trees. She went behind one and pretended to hide. I snuck up behind her and when she turned around I got ice cream on her face.

“Zayn!!” She yelled giggling still.

“You-you got a little something on you babe.” I tried to say laughing. “”Here let me get it.” I pulled her closer to me she looked up at me with her eyes wide questioningly. I slowly leaned down turning my head to the side and licked the ice cream off her cheek. “Mmm strawberry.” Just as slowly I leaned back and looked at her, her expression one of shock mixed with lust. I half smiled cheekily. ‘Come on babe let’s keep walking.” I started to walk again her following close behind. About 5 minutes later I turned around to find her gone. I quickly looked around trying to find her. I spotted her over by a park bench talking to a man holding a sign trying to get donations for Comic Relief. I walked over to her and heard her say to him, “I’m sorry but I don’t have any money on me but I can give you a hug!” The man grinned up at her.

“What’s your name love?” He asked her.


“Well I guess I’ll take that hug.” I smiled at what was going on. Yet again Primrose was proving to me how sweet she could really be.

When Primrose pulled away she looked back at me and said, “Hey Zayn!”

“I lost you. Don’t just run off like that babe.” I walked over to her taking her hand lightly scolding her. “Hi I’m Zayn.” I held out my other hand to the man who shook it.

“Aiden. Does she belong to you?”

“Kind of, she’s my mates little sister. “

“She’s a delight.”

“Zayn can we help this man get some donations?” Primrose looked up at me and batted her eyes. “Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top.”

“I don’t see why not just let me call the boys and let them know what’s going on.” I pulled out my phone to call Liam as she hoped around in what looked like a little dance.

“Hey Li, I found Primrose. We’re at the park right now and she wants to help someone get donations for Comic Relief, want to come help?”

“Sure I’ll get the others boy and we’ll be there in 5.” Liam said.

“Bring some markers and some poster board too! Oh and tell Niall to grab his guitar!” Primrose said excitedly rushing over to me and trying to speak into the phone, she then took off again and ran over to Aiden again.

“Was that Prinny? She sounds hyper.” Liam asked.

“Yeah I kind of got her ice cream and it looks like she’s on a bit of a sugar over load.” I laughed. I heard Liam sigh.

“Not a good idea Zayn, Louis told us how she has a low tolerance for sugar and caffeine.”

“Yeah but she looked so sad when I found her. She looked like a little lost puppy and when I even mentioned ice cream her whole face just lit up.”

“Next time don’t let her have so much, small doses mate.” Liam then hung up.

5 minutes later Liam and the rest of the boys arrived and Primrose rushed over to them giving each of them a hug and then took off with the markers and poster.

“Was that Prinny? All I saw was a blur.” Liam asked.

“Yep she’s been everywhere, running around, asking for donations. She’s just a ball of energy right now and that man keeps giving her more candy.” We all looked over at Primrose who was currently sucking on a sucker while she made signs. I walked over to her and pulled the sucker from her mouth she looked up at me pouting. “No more candy for you flower, you’ve had enough.” She just pouted up at me. “Don’t give me that look it’s not going to work.” She did something with her eyes to make her look even more like a puppy. “Ugh fine but this is your last one.” I handed her back the sucker.

“Yay thank you Zayn!!” she jumped up and gave me a kiss on the cheek with her sugary lips and then bounced off again.

“Real authoritative man.” Niall said laughing at how easily I let Primrose have the candy.

“Shut up.” I turned to look at Primrose who was currently setting up signs around the bench were the man just watched in awe.

“I’m starting to see how Prinny and Louis are related. They’re both not very good with too much sugar, get excited easily, and they both do you bouncy runny thingy when they’re excited.”

“If the fans could see her like this I’m sure they’d see she’s not who the press thinks she is.”

“I have an idea.” Niall took out his phone and tweeted about what we were doing sending pictures of Primrose with it. When he was done we went over to join her.

-The Flat-

After spending the rest of the day with Aiden at the park we finally got home late. Primrose went straight to her room and changed her clothes while Harry started on diner. When Primrose finished changing she came out to help Harry with dinner. She looks absolutely adorable in a red round pocket tee, jeans, mustache socks, and some kind of jewelry. I loved her hair when she braided it.

After dinner we moved into the living room to watch Toy story. Primrose immediately went over to my chair and stretched out on it. I glared down at her, “That’s my spot.”

“I don’t see your name on it.” She grinned up at me. I glared at her for a few more seconds then picked her up and sat down pulling her down close to me. Niall and Liam lied on the couch together, Harry and Louis snuggled on the loveseat. Half way through the movie everyone but me fell asleep. I looked down at Primrose she was cute when she slept.

“She’s adorable” I said softly still gazing at her.

“You’re falling for her.” Niall said, it was a statement not a question. I looked up at the Irish boy who I hadn’t known was awake.

“Yeah I think so.”

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Primrose’s clothes on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now