Chapter Thirty Nine

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Alright sweeties this chapter marks the start of the drama. Well I guess last chapter had some drama but this chapter is what I have been planning since I first started writing this story.

So I’m thinking about renaming the story to An Everlasting Love after the Swan Princess since that’s Prinny’s favorite movie and parts of it are going to come into play. I would love to know what you think about this in the comments.

Hope you guys enjoy it and don’t want to kill me when it’s all over.

Love You

Chapter Thirty Nine The Flat


            One day later my wrist was still purple and had the lingering finger marks. Every time I would begin to feel safe again Justin would show up.

            Today was the day of the interview that Zayn and I were going to announce our relationship on. I was so nervous, my hands were shaking and I felt cold and clammy.

            “Prinny are you ready yet?” Louis asked before bursting into my room. “You’re still not dressed?”

            Looking down I realized I was still in just my robe. “I don’t know what to wear!” I practically cried starting to feel beyond frustrated at my nervousness.

            “Don’t worry sister!” Louis shouted super hero like. “Where is my sidekick?”

            Harry came running into the room holding a bag filled with makeup and another bag that looked like it held a dress. “I was waiting for when she would give up.” Harry set the bag of make up on my bed. “I thought since you were going to talk about your little love affair you would need something special to wear.” He informed me with a grin.

            “So Harry and I went shopping for you and got you this!” Louis joined in excitedly going over to Harry and unzipping the bag and then pulling out the dress.

            I gasped at the sheer beauty of it. It was blue with white polka dots, had a wide white bow on the waist, and was cut in a vintage style. It was completely me and brought tears to my eyes that these boys knew me so well. “It’s lovely.” I sighed touching it gently.

            “A lovely dress for a lovely girl.” Harry said smiling.

            “Thanks you guys. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I looked at them lovingly for all of three seconds before shoving them out the door. “Now get out.”

            Once they were out of the room I changed into the dress admiring how it looked on me. “Are you done yet?” Louis shouted from the other side of the closed door.

            “No!” I smirked.

            “She’s done.” Harry said before he slammed open the door and dragged me into the bathroom where the proceeded to do my hair and makeup.

            Once finished they took me out into the living room where Niall and Liam were waiting with a box. “Since they got to pick the dress Liam and I got you something also.” Niall half smiled and held out the box to me with a cute little expression on his face.

            I took it from him and kissed his and Liam’s cheek before opening the box. What I found took my breath away for the second time that day. It was a gorgeous pair of pink ankle cowgirl boots. Squealing I ran over to the couch and put them on. “Well how do I look?” I modeled them.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now