Chapter Thirty One

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Hey sweeties!

So nothing bad happened at my school or any area schools yesterday. The threat was just that, a threat. No one got hurt. YAY!!

Having some writers block with this story again so I hope this chapter turns out well.

Well anyway here’s chapter thirty one.

Don’t forget to vote!

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Chapter Thirty One Farm House


            “Shh, shh she’s coming.” I heard Louis’s loud voice shush through the wood of the front door as I walked up the steps. I had been a little harsh on the boys earlier and I was feeling terrible for it now. All poor Harry had wanted was a little snack I didn’t have to snap at him like that.

            I sighed and slip open the front door only to be bombarded with 5 boys shouting, “SURPRISE!”

            I looked around the house noticing that it was immaculately clean. “Come one Prinny!” Niall said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen along with the other boys.

            I was shocked by the amount of food that the boys must have cooked in the kitchen. “You did all this?” I asked.

            “Yep! We thought it was time for us to treat you like a princess.” Harry said proudly and so adorable.

            “Oh you guys.” I gushed. They were just so sweet!

            “And after lunch you and Zayn are going on a date!” Liam announced.

            “Wait what?” I asked sure that I had misheard Liam.

            “We are going on a date.” Zayn said very matter-of-factly.

            “And when was this decided?”

            “While you were out.”

            “Uh huh. And that’s just it? You’re just telling me I have to go on a date with you?” I crossed my arms.

            “I was going to ask you, but Liam over there had to open his big mouth.” Zayn said grumpily glaring at Liam who just grinned back.

            “Well I’m waiting.” I said tapping my foot trying to not smile at him.

            “Waiting for what?” I gave him an ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Oh! Prinny would you go out with me later?”

            “Why Zayn I thought you’d never ask! Of course I would love to go out with you.” I smiled.

            “Since that’s all settled can we eat now?” Niall whined holding a plate in his hand. I laughed, these boys were some of the sweeties ever.

            After lunch Louis and Harry rushed me into my room and begun tearing through my clothes. “Again!?” I asked loudly not really surprised that they were going to play dolly.

            They both ignored me discussing what they thought I should wear. “I like this Haz.” Louis said holding out a blue ruffle tank.

            “What about with these shorts?” Harry held out a pair of white crotchet shorts.

            “With pink shoes?”

            “And jewelry?” I tried not to laugh at the scene unfolding in front of me. Louis and Harry must have been girls in another life or something.

            In a whirlwind of motion Harry and Louis had me changed into the clothes they had picked out and begun on my hair and makeup. It was mind boggling how good they were at that kind of thing.

            “Très magnifique!” Louis said in a fake French accent looking me up and down before they ushered me out of the bedroom to meet a waiting Zayn in the living room.

            “Wow.” Zayn said making me blush. “You look amazing.”

            “Don’t you mean amazayn?” Harry asked.

            “Yeah, you look amazayn.” Zayn corrected still staring at me. My face turned an even brighter shade of red as Zayn took my hand. “Umm ready?” He asked still kind of distracted. I nodded and he led me out of the house while the boys shouted things after us.

            “Be safe!” Liam called.

            “Use protection!” Harry of course said.

            “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Louis shouted.

            Zayn shook his head chuckling as he helped me into a waiting car. “Where are we going?” I asked.

            “It’s a surprise.” Zayn answered mysteriously.

            “I hate surprises!”

            “You are going to love this one I promise.” I leaned back in my seat knowing that I was getting no were in making him tell me.

            Twenty minutes passed and Zayn parked the car. “Okay close your eyes.” Zayn commanded.

            Reluctantly I closed my eyes and waited for Zayn to help me out of the car. We walked for five minutes holding hands before Zayn finally let me open my eyes. “Oh…” I said breathlessly in awe of what was before me. It was like a little fairy wonderland. Little lights twinkled in the trees and around the blanket set on the ground in front of a large movie projector screen.

            “Tonight is your night. Whatever you want you can have.” Zayn said smiling at me holding out a hand. Unable to comprehend speech I merely laid my hand in his letting myself be taken away in the wonder of tonight.

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Sorry this chapter was short and merely fluff. Things are going to heat up soon I promise!!

Clothes on the side!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Vote la de da. 

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now