Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen the Limo


“Are we there yet?” I whined for maybe the 100th time.

“Stop asking that!” Harry nearly shouted.

I smirked, “Well I wouldn’t have to ask it if you guys would just tell me where we are going.” I waited a few seconds letting my words sink in. “Are we there yet?”

“THAT IS IT I’VE HAD IT!!!” Harry yelled jumping at me across the limo. Zayn pulled me onto his lap while Niall placed himself in between me and Harry. Liam and Louis both grabbed one of Harry’s arms holding him back. “Move it leprechaun before you get it too.” Harry said in a low deep voice trying to shake off Liam and Louis’ hold. I sat in my place on Zayn’s lap and just laughed maniacally.

“You man bro?” I said in my best impression of a guy.

“I aint even mad.” He said in an American accent. The others just stared at us while we laughed like idiots over our little joke. Liam and Louis let Harry go and Niall slid back into his seat but Zayn didn’t let me go back to mine.

“So can I have a clue for where you are taking me?”

“It involves us driving a long distance.” Liam answered.

“How long because it’s already been like 2 hours.”

“It’s only been 15 minutes Prinny.” Niall said shaking his head.

“See this is exactly what I mean I can’t do long car rides, I’m bored daddy.” I whined to Liam. The boys shared a look and Liam grabbed a bag and pulled out my laptop. I squealed in excitement.

“Figured you were like Louis and would get bored easily so I got it from Dr. Enfield.” Liam said as I positioned myself on Zayn’s lap so that my back was relaxed into his chest and set my laptop on my lap. Zayn put his arms around my waist and tugged me closer, I sighed and got to work typing.


I placed my chin on Prinny’s shoulder watching as she wrote. Suddenly she snapped the laptop screen shut. “What?” I asked.

“Don’t read it.” She said looking back at me.

“Oh come on why can’t I read it?”

“Because it’s not done yet and it’s probably not any good.”

“I bet it’s amazing. Just let me read a little.” I pleaded with her.

“No.” She said stubbornly.

“Pretty pretty please.” Prinny began to ignore me and reached into the bag and pulled out a couple movies. Glancing through them she finally settled on A Cinderella Story. “Awe Prinny do we really have to watch a chick flick?” I complained.

“Tell me where we are going and I’ll pick a different movie.” She replied persuasively.

“Not going to happen midget.”

“Fine but we are still watching this.”

About half way through the movie Prinny started to fall asleep. As soon as I was positive she was a sleep I turned off the laptop and positioned her better on my lap so that she was sitting across it with her head resting on my chest over my heart. I watched as Niall reached into the bag and handed me a blanket that Liam had packed. I placed it over her and she snuggled deeper into my lap.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now