Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hello sweeties!

Been a few days since I last uploaded, sorry about that. I’ve been really busy over spring break because I got my drivers license yesterday, YAY, and I had to drive a bunch all week and learn how to parallel park.

Any way on to business. I have started another story which I have already said so go check it out. It’s called Beauty and the Biker.

Please vote!

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Chapter Twenty Eight Farm House


Sunlight flashed through the curtains in the guest room at the rented farm house. Ever since what had happened with Jess a few days ago I had left Dr. Enfield’s house to stay with the boys.

I rolled over in bed and my tummy grumbled. I wanted cookies, but Corra said no baking so that meant no cookies for me. I stretched knocking my arm into a body. I screamed falling out of bed and hitting the floor.

The person in my bed groaned slowly getting up. “Do you always wake up like that or is it only when I’m around.” Zayn asked looking at me drowsily.

“What are you doing in my bed?” I asked ignoring his question.

“I wanted breakfast but everyone was asleep then I wanted cookies but you were still in bed so I was going to wake you up but you looked really cute sleeping so I couldn’t wake you up and then I decided to take a nap while I waited for you to wake up and well here we are now.” Zayn rushed out smiling at me from his spot on the bed while I sat with my butt on the ground from falling out of bed.

“Get out.” I said annoyed though I really wasn’t. Zayn was too cute with the little boy expression on his face. But I had to follow what Corra said, I had to be mean…I hate being mean. I sighed.

“Pleeeaseee.” Zayn begged. “Come on let’s make cookies like we used to.”

“No Zayn.” I got up from the floor and walked over to the closet pulling out some clothes.

“Come on Prinny don’t be like that remember how much fun we had baking?” Zayn asked coming up behind me and putting his arms around my waist.

“I said no!” I pulled away from him and went into the bathroom taking a quick shower. Once finished I got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a shirt that said ‘Kiss Me Or Leave Me’. I blew my hair dry a little and pulled it into a pony tail. Leaving the bathroom I heard a clatter and then Zayn curse.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Zayn standing by the sink rinsing water over his hand. I went over to him taking the hand he had under the water in mine seeing that it was burnt. “What happened?” I asked gently running cold water over the hand again.

“You didn’t want to make cookies so I was trying to make some by myself.” Zayn said blushing.

“And so you burnt your hand? Zayn...” I shook my head taking his hand out from the water looking it over. I touched lightly at the spot that was burned.

“OW! What the hell Prinny that hurt!” Zayn said trying to jerk his hand back but I held on to it still looking it over.

“Well it wouldn’t hurt if you hadn’t burnt it!”

“I wouldn’t have burnt it if you would have just made cookies with me!” Zayn took a step closer to me so that we were nearly chest to chest.

“Maybe if you weren’t such a jerk all the time I would want to make cookies with you!” I said standing my ground looking up at Zayn with fire in my eyes.

“You’re the one who’s been being a bitch lately!” Zayn said then stepped back all the anger leaving him a look of horror on his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.”

“No, no Zayn its fine. I already know you think I’m an insensitive bi-.” I said cutting myself off I hated cussing. “Well what you just said.”

Zayn took a step back towards me anger filling his eyes again. “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry for you to forgive me for calling you that! I didn’t mean it and I don’t think it!”

“You obviously meant it when you said it!”

“I was just angry! I don’t know why I said it! I’ve never thought you were a bitch! Even now when you try acting like one your still the sweetest person I know. You aren’t what I said you were you never will be.” Zayn ran his hands through his hair agitated.

“Then who am I?” I asked calm and quiet.

“You’re sweet and kind. You’re nice to everyone. You do everything you can for others, you always put them ahead of yourself. You’re amazing and wonderful and beautiful. You take care of everyone. You’ve given Niall hope with Libby. You made Uncle Si smile and laugh! No one can do that! You’re cute and adorable and perfect. You’re the girl I’ve fallen for.” Zayn said exasperated.

I smiled and leaned up on my tiptoes. “That’s all I needed to hear.” I said before I placed my lips against his. Zayn froze for a few moments before settling into the kiss and kissing me back with a fever.

Zayn’s arms went around my waist tightly as mine went around his neck. His tongue grazed my bottom lip before slightly nipping at it. I gasped and his tongue slid into my mouth tangling with mine. We fought over dominance in the kiss for a few moments before I let him win. One of his hands slid down to my hip. I felt my back softly hit a hard surface. Zayn must have back us up into the wall.

Zayn hand on my hip moved to my butt lifting me up slightly. I wound my legs around his waist never breaking from the kiss as it grew more and more passionate. Everything in the world seemed to disappear except for the two of us.


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Cliff hanger…kind of. Sorry sweeties.

Sorry this one’s short.

Prinny’s clothes on the side and a video of Zayn being a sex God. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now