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This is it you guys.

The epilogue.

Again thank you all for being here with me throughout this story.

I love you!!!

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Epilogue 4 Years Later


            “Prinny get your ass moving!!” Farah burst into the room that I was currently struggling to zip my dress in.

            “It won’t fit!” I shrieked in frustration.

            “That’s because it’s caught!” Corra yelled at me.

            “Then fix it!”

            “You wouldn’t let me when I tried to!!”

            “Get over here and fix it before I kill you!!” I screamed at her.

            Ever happy go lucky Libby skipped over to me sweeping Corra out of the way as she effortlessly zipped up my dress. I sighed in relief as it went up.

While I was in the hospital I had received a frantic call from Justin who was in jail. He used his one call to tell me he loved me. The boys had told me that after Justin had shot me he had begun to cry. To me this was shocking. The person who had done everything he could to ruin my life cried at the thought of killing me and called to say he had loved me.

After a quick trial Justin was sentenced to 20 years in jail. He didn’t make it more than 2 years. Other inmates had found out that Justin had killed my parents and then had gone after my new family and ended up almost killing me as well, the inmates had gone after him ending his pitiful excuse for a life. Even after everything he had done to me his death still saddened me. I had never wished him dead.

            In happier news today I was going to marry the man of my dreams. We had gone through so much together and now we were joining together to go through much more. We had survived through Justin, jealousy, vicious rumors, Jess, fans, and the trials of my over protective brother Louis. He was my everlasting love.

            The past few years Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam had also fallen. Each were now either married or engaged. Niall even had a little one on the way.

            Just eight years ago I had lost my parents. Eight years ago I had felt like my life had completely fallen apart. But now I had everything I could ever need. I had the love of an amazing man, four wonderful brothers, and four of the most fantastic friends in the world.

            After publishing my first novel, An Everlasting Love, with the main characters Zack and Rose, it had soared into the best sellers. Currently I was working on another novel. It stared the two dynamic characters Neil and Lizzy. Right now I was at a stale mate as to what to title it, maybe Remember Me.

            “Prinny!” Leena’s shout shook me of my thoughts. “It’s time to go!”

            Farah tossed me my bouquet of white dahlias and pink roses. I hugged the four girls that made up my bridesmaids. All of us had unshed tears in our eyes. I felt a head butt up against my back. Turning around I found my baby Sidekick. He had gotten so big over the past years. When he stood on his back legs he was taller than me. Just then he went up on his back legs and placed his large paws on my shoulders leaning forward and licking me with his big tongue. 

            “You ready to be my ring bearer baby?” He cocked his head to the side and then sort of nodded like he understood me before going back onto all fours. I laughed and grabbed the cushion that had a little pocket to hold the rings since Sidekick was just a kitty and I didn’t want the rings going missing. He leaned forward and took the edge of the cushion in his mouth.

            “Where’s the blushing bride?” My big brother Louis called.

            “Over there being a bridezilla.” Corra said as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

            “You look beautiful.”

            “Umm excuse me but the bride is over here!” I said breaking up there little love fest.

            “Ah yes. Ready to get hitched sis?” He asked me looping my arm through his own.

            The music started and they made their way down the aisle while Louis and I stayed behind waiting for it to be my time.

            With them gone Louis leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I love you little sister.”

            “And I love you.” I answered back and then I turned as he lead me down the aisle to the man I loved.

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I can’t believe it’s over!!!


Okay get yourself together Mary.

School for me ends Friday after this one so I’m going to probably finish up writing Beauty and the Biker and then take a little break from writing. I’m going to get started on Remember Me as soon as school gets out.

I don’t know how often I’ll be updating when school gets out because I do most of my writing on my school issued laptop and I have to give that back at the end of the year.

Anyway keep your heads up for the start of Remember Me?.

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for the very last time. Side stuff. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now