Chapter Five

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Hey sweeties what do you think so far?

I’m really enjoying writing this and I hope you’re having fun reading it!

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Chapter Five The Flat


I woke up the next day bright and early. Walking to my suitcase I pulled out a pair of black Hollister shorts, and my blue green shirt that said geek. I went into the bathroom for a quick shower, getting out I put on some light make up, dried my hair and put it in a messy bun, not feeling like putting in my contacts I just grabbed my glasses. Leaving the bathroom I went into the living room to find the boys still sound asleep, unmoved from where I left them last night. Going back to my room I grabbed my laptop, put on my Adventure Time TOMS, and my Jake the dog necklace. I went back into the living room and scribbled a note on Louis’ arm. I smiled at how cute they all looked and quickly left the flat walking a short distance to a small cute café.


I felt someone poke my face. I opened my eyes to find Harry standing over me. I smiled sleepily at him.

“Is Prinny up yet?” I yawned.

“Up and gone.” He answered.

I jolted up. “WHAT.”

“Calm down Boo, she just went to that café down the street. She left a note where you could never miss it.” I looked down and saw it on my arm. I smiled at her cleverness.

“What time is it?” I yawned.

“Bout 10:30.”

“Ok umm you wake up Niall and Liam and I’ll get Zayn.”

We split up to wake up the boys. Waking up Zayn was going to be fun, I smiled mischievously.



I shot off the couch and grabbed the leprechaun around the neck still half asleep. “I swear to all that is good in this world if you ate my mirror I’m going to kill you.” I growled at him.

Everyone around me bust out laughing. Shacking my head to clear away the sleep that was still clinging to me I looked at them. “What?”

“Umm haha how haha could I haha eat your haha mirror Zayn?” Niall asked in between laughs.

I just looked down at him realization finally dawning on me. “Ohhhhhhh.” Then I started to laugh too. “Where’s the midget?”

“You mean Prinny? She went to that café down the street. Think you could go get her mate?”

“Give me ten and I’ll go.” I got up from my place still over Niall and walked over to my room. I grabbed a few items and took a quick shower. Looking in the mirror I inspected my hair. I didn’t really feel like doing a quiff so I just blew it dry and put in some product to make it look sexy messy. I left the bathroom grabbed my wallet and took the short walk to the café.

-Primrose- Café

Not looking up from my laptop I reached out to grab my tea only to have someone move it out of reach. I looked up and saw Zayn standing over me. I smiled brightly, “Good morning!”

He sat down across from me not greeting me back just staring at me and drinking my tea. “How long have been here?” He finally asked.

“Umm bout 2 hours I think.”

“What could you do in a café for 2 hours?”

“Write.” I blushed.

“Oh well come on we need to get back to the flat.”

I packed my up my laptop and went over to the counter. “What do you think you’re doing? I just told you we were leaving.” Zayn asked from behind me.

“I just figured you and the boys hadn’t eaten breakfast yet so I was going to grab some muffins.”

He nodded and I picked out a dozen muffins walking over to the register I took out my card only to have Zayn step in front of me to pay for it. “You didn’t have to do that. I could have paid for them.”

“Just smile and say thank you.” He said not even looking at me.

“Thank you!” I gave him my biggest fake smile.

“Let’s go midget.”

-The Flat-

As soon as I stepped foot into the flat Niall was on top of me grabbing the muffins, he quickly kissed my cheek and hopped off with them. I stood there for a minute just inside the door unsure of what just happened when Zayn grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. Before I knew what was happening he set me on the couch and said, “Don’t stand in the door way.” I nodded as he walked into the kitchen for a muffin.

“Come on Niall share there’s 12 of them let us have some.” Harry whined trying to get a muffin from Niall who was hoarding them to himself. I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

“Niall those are for everyone. Share sweetie.” I said gently.

“Yes mummy.” Niall said cheekily. I walked over to the stove and put a kettle on for tea. When the water was steaming I made 5 cups of tea and took them over to the boys who were busily shoveling food inside their mouths as fast as they could. I ruffled Louis’ hair and sat down next to him.

“So what’s the plan for today?” I asked

“Today we, Eleanor, and Danielle are taking you shopping.” Louis answered.

“For what?”

“British clothes.” Niall said mouth full of food.

“What’s the difference between my clothes and ‘British clothes’?”

“Your clothes are American, and my sister has to dress like us so we’re going to revamp your wardrobe.” Louis took a drink of his tea.

“So really you’re just playing dress up with me being the doll.”

“Yep pretty much!”

“You’re weird.”

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Primrose’s clothes on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now