Chapter Four

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Hey Sweeties!!

I know I've already uploaded Chapter Four but I forgot to add somethings to it that I wanted so I deleted the original.

Sorry for the confusion.

Here’s the next part!!

Enjoy sweeties!!

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Chapter Four The Limo


I sat in the limo and just glared at Primrose and the boys. Who was this girl? Why did the boys want her to stay with us? What if she killed us in our sleep? No she couldn’t do that, she was too small. What was she, like 5 feet? Little midget like her couldn’t do shit to us. I laughed out loud and everyone turned to look at me I just glared at them. Niall, Liam, and Harry seemed to be enamored with her, I had no clue why, she didn’t seem all that special.

I heard her soft laugh and looked over at her. She was giggling over something Niall said to her. Ugh what was with these boys, she was just another girl. Nothing remarkably special. Sure she had really green eyes and an infectious laugh and her accent was a little cute. Wait what am I thinking? I shake my head to clear it and look out the window realizing we are at Nandos. Louis passed Primrose to me while he and the others got out. She looked up at me with her big doe eyes, she really was a bit like a puppy. I sighed and helped her out.


I sat down at a table with the boys and looked over the menu. A few minutes later the waitress came over and took our orders, Niall ordering half the menu it seemed.

“We have a concert tomorrow Prinny, would you like to come?” Louis asked from next to me. I nodded looking up from my plate.

“New rule! Prinny has to answer everything in a full sentence or more. No more just nodding.” Harry said smiling. I looked over at him and nodded and he gave me a look.

“Oh! That sounds fine Harry.” I smile.

“Much better babe, and smile more you have a pretty smile.” I blushed

“Thank you.”

“Prinny do you have a Twitter?”

“No I don’t really use social media much.”

“We will make you one. What about an IPhone?”

“I have just a regular cell phone.”

“Ok tomorrow we get you an IPhone.”

“But Harry I already have a phone.”

“No arguing.” He said sternly. I crossed my arms. “Now don’t be like that babe, just let us spoil you a little.” I nodded.

“Ok so for the concert tomorrow. It’s at 7 so first we are going to take you shopping for some appropriate One Direction Concert wear. I’m thinking red pants, TOMS, and a striped shirt.” Louis said next to me changing the subject.

“But then I’ll look just like you Louis.”

“What that’s a good thing I am the best looking and most stylish here.” He struck a flamboyant pose and I couldn’t help but laugh loud and long.

I noticed the boys staring and me. “What?”

“You have a pretty laugh.” Niall said blushing.

I looked over at him and saw he was covered in food. “Niall, sweetie you have food all over your face.” I grabbed my napkin and reached across to him and wiped it off.

“Looks like we got Mummy Direction on our hands boys.” Harry said and I blushed again.

“Hush Harry.” We finished eating and soon left to go back to the flat.

-The Flat-

Once back at the flat I went into my room and changed into a pink hoodie, my favorite yoga pants and put on a pair of really fuzzy pink slipper boots. I loved my slipper boots they were so comfortable and warm. I went into the living room to see Liam putting in a movie. “So what are we watching?”

“The Swan Princess, because you said it’s your favourite and we have never seen it.” Louis gives me a big smile. “Niall go make some popcorn.” Niall runs off into the kitchen and I follow to help.

“So what’s The Swan Princess about?” He asked me.

“It’s about a prince and princess that fall in love but an evil man puts a curse on the princess that turns her into a swan every day and human at night and the prince has to prove his everlasting love to the princess to break the curse. It’s so romantic.” I sigh dreamily.

We finished the popcorn and walked back into the living room. The boys looked at my slippers and bust out laughing. “What?” I ask.

“What are those things? Are you wearing a fuzz ball on your feet?” Louis asks between laughs.

“Don’t laugh at my slippers they are the best thing ever invented.” I sniffed.

“And one of the weirdest.” Harry said and I pretended to be hurt. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug “Oh babe don’t be sad I was just kidding.” I smiled up at him pulling away I went and sat on the floor leaning against the couch, Niall and Liam sat down on either side of me, Zayn took up the whole couch that I was leaned against, and Harry and Louis cuddled up together on the other couch. By the end of the movie I ended up with having both Niall and Liam’s heads in my lap sound asleep while I played with their hair, Zayn was snoring softly behind me, and both Harry and Louis were asleep still cuddled together. I carefully slipped out from under Niall and Liam and went to grab some pillows and blankets from a closet. Walking back to the boys I put a pillow under each of their heads and covered them all with a blanket. I smiled at how adorable they all looked. Turning off the lights I headed to my room to get some much deserved sleep.

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Primrose’s comfy clothes on the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now