Chapter Seventeen

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Hello sweeties I’m sorry I haven’t updated in the past few days like I promised but I did upload the intro to the second book in the Can We Fall series Remember Me?.

Remember Me? is currently on hold until I finish writing Say You Love Me which I hope to be in the next month or so.

I have also changed from where Prinny is from, I just wasn’t feeling Georgia so now she is from Montana YAY!!

Any way thanks for reading and please vote and comment!!

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Chapter Seventeen the Flat a Week Later


It had been a week since I had gotten the call and a few days after I had purchased a plane ticket back to America. I still hadn’t told the boys about leaving because I was afraid they would try to stop me. All week I had been slowly packing up things because I didn’t want the boys to get too suspicious. I was leaving to catch my flight in just a few minutes, the boys had a meeting with management right now so they weren’t home. I had planned it that way, I was terrible at goodbyes. 

I was humming along to the music playing as I packed a few last things when suddenly my bedroom door burst open revealing a mob of Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis leading them.

“All right enough of this sneaking around! When were you planning on telling us about your little escape plan?” Louis asked as he and the boys formed a circle around me all crossing their arms looking down at me disapprovingly.

I looked down at the ground feeling guilty. “I was planning on leaving you a note.”

“A note?! Really Prinny a note? Why didn’t you tell us you were leaving?”

“I’m not exactly leaving. I’m just need to go home for a few weeks.” I was still looking down feeling the boys overbearing presence.

“But you are home now, this is your home.” Harry said.

“I know Harry but I need to see Dr. Enfield and I never got to say goodbye to Claire.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Louis asked looking sad.

Guilt flashed through me. “I couldn’t because you would just make me stay.” I looked around to see Zayn, Harry, and Niall gone from the circle. Looking around behind me I spotted them over by one of my suitcases. Harry was taking clothes out of the suitcase while Zayn ushered Niall to get into it. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest pursing my lips to keep from laughing.

“Just packing you a few extra things.” Zayn replied not even looking up at me as he helped Niall in.

“Yeah you can’t forget to pack your Nialler!” Harry said.

“I wasn’t planning on bringing a Nialler. My Nialler can’t come with I don’t think baggage check would like it if I brought a person in my suitcase and where am I supposed to put my clothes?” I said watching as Zayn zipped up the suitcase part way, Niall’s head sticking out looking up at me with a wide infectious grin. I sighed and walked over to the suitcase unzipping it making Niall get out.

“Come on Prinny don’t go.” Niall said giving me his best sad look. I just shook my head as I repacked my things.

“I’ll be back soon it will feel like I never left.” I heard the taxi that I had called to take me to the airport honk its horn signaling me that it was here.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now