Chapter Twenty Seven

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So I’m going to start another story soon called Beauty and the Biker. I’m thinking of just having it be a little short maybe 13-18 chapter long story. I will probably start writing it soon, maybe within the next week or so or when I have finished Say You Love Me. I think Beauty and the Biker will be a teen romance not a fan fiction. Don’t worry I’m not forgetting about Remember Me or the other stories in this series I’m just putting them on the side for a little since I’m having serious writers bloc.

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Chapter Twenty Seven Farm House


I sat on the floor leaning back against the couch in the farm house with everyone, Sidekick asleep in my lap. Everything had gone pretty well at the café with Derek but as we were leaving Zayn had pulled Derek to the side and I had a suspicion that I would not be getting a second date from Derek. Part of me didn’t care about if I went out with him again but the other part was mad at Zayn for pulling an underhanded trick like that.

I looked over at the chair that Zayn was sitting on with Jess. That should be me he was holding close. “Stop glaring Prin. Your face is going to get stuck in that position.” Niall leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Jealousy doesn’t become you. Go over there and take your spot back.” Niall encouraged.

Right as I was about to answer my cell phone rang. I gave Niall an apologetic look, put the sleeping Sidekick in his lap, and quickly left the room heading to the kitchen, answering my phone. “Hello?” I said holding the phone to my ear.

“Missing me babe?” Justin’s cold voice said through the phone.

“Hadn’t heard from you in a while. I was hoping you might have done something stupid and gone back to jail.” I said no emotion to my voice.

“Mmm, I always liked it when you were feisty.” Justin moaned. “How was your date today?” I froze how did he know about that? “You’re mine babe, do you really think I don’t know what you’re doing?”

“What do you want Justin? I’m not going to play this game with you.” I was getting angry. Hadn’t I suffered enough at his hands?

“Uh, uh, uh, be patient babe. Good things come to those who wait. And remember this little conversation stays between you and me. Wouldn’t want a sweet boy band member getting hurt now would we?” Justin said sickly sweet then hung up.

I angrily tugged at my hair holding back a scream. “Who were you just talking to Prinny?” Liam asked from the living room.

“Uhh no one.” I said trying to calm my frustration. I took a few steadying breathes and turned around to find that everyone had come into the kitchen. Jess was hanging on to Zayn’s arm giving me a smug look. I ground my teeth.

“Prinny who called?” Liam asked me again gently.

“An old friend.” I lied dragging a hand through my hair.

“She’s lying.” Zayn said. I looked over at Zayn and Jess, I watched as Jess leaned up and pressed a kiss to Zayn’s cheek. I felt my body move forward before I had even realized I had moved. Niall yanked me against him.

“Don’t do it.” He whispered in my ear. “Give Prin time Li. She will tell us when she’s ready.” Niall took my hand and lead my outside onto the porch. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t tell you.” I sighed, sitting down on an Adirondack chair dropping my head into my hands.

“Cant or wont?”

“Niall it’s killing me keeping this from you. If I could tell you I would in a heartbeat. Please just trust me that I will be okay.” Niall squeezed his body into the chair next to me.

“Promise me that if it gets too big for you to handle that you will let us help you?” Niall asked.

“I promise Ni.” Niall put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

The sliding glass door opened and Jess and Zayn floated out. Jess caught sight of Niall and me sitting together. “God Prinny how many boyfriends do you have?” She asked snidely. “But I guess that’s just typically what a whore does.”

Zayn drew back from Jess and looked down at her horrified about to say something. “Funny hearing that come from a fake like you.” I retorted before Zayn could say anything. Zayn looked at me pride shinning in his eyes as the Liam, Harry, and Louis came out side as well.

“Give it up Prinny. No one wants you. Don’t you realize that you’re just a charity case? Zayn says you are.” Jess looked at her nails like they were the only interesting thing going on. She hadn’t noticed that the others had also come outside.

Zayn looked like he wanted to say something but I just held up my hand to stop him. Had he really said I was just a charity case? No, Zayn could be a jerk but he would never say something like that. “I don’t need anyone’s charity Jess. You’re the one using my boys. Looks like you’re the real slut here.” My fists clenched at my sides as I stood up facing Jess.

“Men like me, unlike you. Who wants some poor little girl like you? By the way sweetie you might want someone else to do your makeup, wait no, that’s just how you normally look.” Jess giggled and turned around to walk away.

Anger coursed through me. I reached up pulling my earrings out and handing them to Niall. “You’re going to wish you had never said that.” I whispered menacingly taking a step towards her. “You have 5 seconds to run.” Jess stood her ground looking at her nails again. “5…4…3..2…1…” I counted off but Jess didn’t move an inch as if daring me to do something.

“Like I’m scared of some little bitch like you.” She sneered.

I launched myself at her only to be caught around the waist by Zayn. “Let me go Zayn.” I demanded struggling against his hold but he held tight pulling me back against his chest.

The boys moved to stand by Zayn arms crossed all glaring at Jess. “I think it’s time for you to leave.” Zayn nearly growled. I tried to pry Zayn’s arms off of me.

“You can show yourself out.” Liam said glaring at her.

“So that’s it Zaynie after everything we’ve been through, you’re just going to throw me out over some little kid?” Jess asked acting like she was actually hurt over what was going on.

“After everything we’ve been through? I’ve only known you for a week! I don’t even like you!” Zayn said harshly. “If you don’t leave now I’ll let Prinny go and you’ll wish you had run when you had the chance.” Zayn warned.

Jess crossed her arms looking extremely put out. “This isn’t the end Zayny! You’ll want me back.” Jess said walking out.

“He never wanted you in the first place bitch!” Niall shouted after her, his only reply was the slamming of the front door.

I bit Zayn’s one of Zayn’s hand. He yelped and let me go immediately. “Ow! What the hell Prinny?”

“Drop dead Zayn. Have I told you guys lately how much I love you?” I smiled at them. “I really appreciate what you just did there.”

“Prinny you’re family we aren’t just going to stand here and let some stupid fake ho like her attack you.” Liam said enveloping me in a hug.

I burst into laughter tears falling from my eyes. “Please tell me some one recorded Liam saying stupid fake ho.”

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And there’s Chapter Twenty Seven!!

Gif on the side and an I Knew You Were Trouble parody. If you like T. Swift the video is just a parody and meant to only be funny.

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Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now