Chapter Fifteen

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Hello sweeties!!

Dedicating this one to CarolineMiller5 because she faithfully votes on this story.

Thank you so much sweetie, I really appreciate it.

This one’s for you!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter Fifteen Car


Once finished shopping we headed back to the flat to do a few things before we started to get ready for the benefit. After breakfast Liam and Louis had called their girlfriends to see if they could come but apparently both already had plans. I couldn’t help but be secretly happy about this. Eleanor and Danielle were very nice and all but I felt as if they didn’t really belong with the boys, and I’m not just saying that out of jealousy. Whatever Louis and I might have had is completely gone, we can barely even stand each other anymore. Every time we saw each other one of us would pick a fight over something stupid. I sighed to myself thinking about how we used to get along, how sweet Louis was, how much we had cared about each other during that short time so long ago. It was shocking how something could change so fast, going from being happy with one person to not being able to even be in the same room with them. I shook my head ignoring all the old memories I had with him, it did nothing good to just sit here reminiscing about the past.

I shifted my thoughts over to Zayn and Prinny. It was so obvious that they were into each other. Everyone saw it but themselves it seemed. Since Leena, Farah, and I had first met Prinny we had been trying to come up with a way to get those two together. They would make the most adorable couple. Zayn had been single for quite a while whereas everyone else had been in relationships besides Niall, even Harry who usually loves being single had had a few relationships even though most of them were only a few months long. Even though Zayn hid it well I could tell that he was lonely, he had a darkness in his heart and since meeting Prinny he had seemed happier like she brought sunshine into his life.

I wonder what their babies would look like.

-Louis- The Flat

I sat with Zayn, Harry, and Liam in the living room playing a board game waiting for the girls and Niall to get home. I had woken up this morning completely cuddled up to Corra. It was a good thing she was still asleep when I woke up or else she probably would have told me off or something, picked a fight over it, said some snappy comment to me, whatever it just wouldn’t have been a good thing for her to wake up with me embracing her.

Bad move Lou she’s not your love anymore. A voice in my head told me.

She never really was so what does it matter.

She could have been your love though if you hadn’t chosen El.

I didn’t choose El over her I did what was best for the band. I tried to defend myself to the voice in my head.

And look what’s come of it, you and Corra always fight, she hasn’t given you one of her megawatt smiles in so long, and your both unhappy.

I’m not unhappy I have El.

But she’s not Corra.

Shut up I’m done with this you’re just a figure of my imagination.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now