Chapter Forty Three

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Hey sweeties!!

So Prom turned out sort of okay. Remember how I told you about my date telling me about making reservations for a different restaurant after I had already made all the arraignments? Well that wasn’t the end of the drama. Turns out he had invited a second girl to the prom and she said yes. Well instead of breaking it off with one of us he figured he would take us both and just do that whole 27 Dresses thing where she had to be at two weddings in one night. So I ended up breaking off with him. Then at the prom I met his other date and she and I are a lot alike so we spent like an hour just talking, dancing, and hanging out together right in front of him. Oh he got so mad. It was wonderful.

Despite all my date drama I still had a great time just being with my friends. Except for the part were my best friend tried to start a fight with my other friend Mattie. They don’t get along well because Mattie tells Ashley what to do and Ashley calls her a bitch. Ashley has been banned from the story that Mattie manages because of her language.

Ah the life of a high schooler.

Anyway on to the chapter.

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Chapter Forty Three Corra, Leena, and Farah’s Flat


            It was obvious to me that Justin was planning on causing some kind of commotion at the ball. I just didn’t know what it was or how bad it would be. To be honest, that frightened me. It terrified me that he was planning something and I had to just sit here and worry about what it was. I felt like his little puppet that he could play with and just string along until he got sick of me. I didn’t want to be anyone’s play thing.

            I had to take a stand. I couldn’t just let him keep controlling my life like this. I wasn’t going to sit here anymore and worry about what he was planning. I wasn’t going to be afraid anymore. Fear of him had ruled my life since Justin had taken my parents from me and now I was tired of it. Now I was going to be strong.

            The ball was in a few hours. I had just enough time to finish getting ready and head out to help get things set up for the ball. I was supposed to meet the caterer that had been hired, Elizabeth Donovan. I had been told that she was an undiscovered talent when it came to baking. She came to me recommended by Aidan as she had been hired to cater many other Comic Relief functions.  

            “Prinny!” Corra shouted bursting into my room. “The boys want to know if you want to just meet at the ball or if we should all arrive together in the limo.”

            “There are a few last minute touches that I need to help Aiden with so I’m going to leave a bit early.”

            “So what should I tell the boys?”

            “How should I know Corra? I’m a little busy right now can’t you figure this out yourself?” My tone was a bit snappish and Corra drew back.

            “Well someone is a bit cranky.”

            “I’m sorry. I’m just a bit stressed. Danielle and Eleanor are going with the boys as well so I don’t know how you and Farah feel about going in the limo with them.”

            “Ugh you’re right.” Corra seemed to think for a minute before lighting up. “I’m Harry’s date so I really do have to go with them. But Leena and Farah aren’t going with any of the boys. And they’re twins so they should arrive just together because they will look cute with the whole twin thing going on.”

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now