Chapter Eight

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Hey Sweeties!!

Just want to say thank you for the votes!!

Oh and most every chapter will have an outfit for Prinny on the side.

I love you guys!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter Eight Limo After Concert


“So what did you think beautiful?” Harry asked me in the limo after the concert pulling me close to him.

“You guys were really good!” I smiled widely at them all, pulling slightly away from Harry but he just pulled me closer again.

“Harry can’t you see she doesn’t want to cuddle with you? Come here babe.” Niall said pulling me away from Harry into his lap. Again I tried to pull away, I was feeling a little suffocated.

“Don’t be such a hog Niall, you got to cuddle on the floor with her the other day it’s my turn to cuddle. Come back here love.” Harry said grabbing my hand trying to pull me over to his lap.

“You’re just a flirt Harry she needs someone that’s adorable and Irish.” Niall held me tighter so that Harry couldn’t take me from his lap. Just then I felt a pair of strong arms go about my waist. I was then lifted off of Niall’s lap and was set down in the space between Louis and Zayn. Zayn let me go only to grab my hand as he and Louis glared at Harry and Niall.

“What?” They both said in unison looking confused.

“No fighting over Prinny.” Liam said simply. Both Niall and Harry pouted over this until we got home, Zayn holding my hand the whole way.

-Zayn- The Flat

Once back at the flat everyone went into their separate rooms except for Primrose and I. Primrose choose to sit on the couch and do whatever it is she’s always doing on her laptop, I sat down next to her and she stretched out and laid her legs in my lap.

“Thanks for what you did for me in the limo Zayn.” She told me softly. I just nodded at her and turned on the TV flipping through the channels until I settled on some action movie.

“Hey Zayn?”


“I like your hair.” I looked over at her, her cheeks slightly flushed, she just looked so adorable.

“Thanks babe.”

-Primrose- (Next morning)

Twitching my nose I slowly opened my eyes. “Are you awake yet?” I heard a deep voice say from the foot of my bed. I sat up and looked at where I heard the voice, finding Harry sitting cross legged on my bed.

“Is something wrong Harry?” I asked blinking the sleep from my eyes.

“Management called.”

“Who’s management?”

“There kind of like our bosses. They were not too happy about us introducing you last night at the concert without consulting them first, so they set up an interview in 2 hours for us.”

“Do I have to go?”

“Well the interview is about you so yeah.”

“Is it on TV?”

“Yeah its live.” I felt my face go pale. “Oh don’t be like that Prinny it will be just fine. Now come on Liam made breakfast.”

I followed Harry into the kitchen and saw that both Zayn and Niall were also up and eating, Niall once again covered in food. I grabbed a napkin and handed it to him.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now