Chapter Thirty Seven

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Hey sweeties!

This chapter goes out to teambeautiful because I just loved her comment on the last chapter about Jess.

This chapter is going to be pretty much just Zinny fluff and other stuff because the story is going to be coming to a close soon and I’m planning tons and tons of drama to happen within the next 7 or so chapters.

Chapter Thirty Seven


            It had been a few days since Jess had shown up and life with her was not grand. All she ever did was complain, whine, and beg for things. It was like she wanted everyone to be miserable. Since I had told her Zayn was taken she had moved on to Niall and Harry. It really was funny watching her try to get their attention. She was constantly holding on to one of them or both.

            I looked over at the couch where she was currently sitting between Niall and Harry trying to cuddle up to both. She had her head on Harry’s shoulder and she was practically on Niall’s lap. Both boys looked extremely uncomfortable.

            I sat in Zayn and I’s chair, snuggled into his warm strong body. Soft snores came from his slightly opened mouth. He was too cute! It was around 10 in the morning and the boys had to go into the studio around noon. They had been on break for much too long and needed to get back to work. Since the boys would be at the studio until late the girls and I had decided to go out clubbing since I was now 18 and was now legal to drink in England. We hadn’t invited Jess but we knew she would stick her nose in it and tag along.

            Wiggling a little in Zayn’s arms I stretched up and placed a kiss on his cheek. His eye lashes fluttered before they opened revealing his striking chocolate eyes. “Hi sleepy head.” I said softly.

            He smiled sleepily at me and brought a hand up and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch as he bent down and pressed his lips against my own in a sweet kiss. I sighed into it slowly running a hand up his chest.

            “OKAY BREAK IT UP!!” Louis yelled before his heavy body sat on top of both of us.

            “Louis your fat arse is crushing me!” Zayn laughed trying to shove him off.

            Louis refused to move wrapping his arms tightly around the two of us. “But I love you’s! Just let me love you!” He cooed stroking my hair.

            “Louis!” I laughed trying to sound stern. For being an older brother he sure did act like a younger one. His body squirmed around and somehow his butt was nearly right up against my face. I screamed girlishly. “Liam save me!!”

            Liam jumped off the love seat he had been lounging on. “Do not fear young citizen I will save you for the Bum Monster! For I…” Liam paused dramatically then deepened his voice making it husky and raspy. “Am Batman.” Liam put his hands on his hips flexing his muscles in a super hero way.

            “To late Batman I have already claimed these humans for my own! Mwahahaha!” Louis laughed evilly.

            “And as the Bum Monster declared his victory Batman came up with a plan to save the young lovers.” Niall said in his voice over actor impression.

            As Niall narrated everyone’s actions Liam and Louis pretended to fight. “Bam!” Niall shouted when Liam fake punched Louis. “Boom!” Louis tackled Liam to the ground. “Bang!” Liam ‘kicked’ Louis off him.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now