Chapter Six

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Hey Sweeties here’s Chapter 6!!

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Chapter Six The Flat


When the boys finished eating and went to get ready I went into my room to change my clothes into something more shopping appropriate. I changed into my favorite floral print shorts, a white tank paired with my pink GOTHA shirt, my favorite white cowgirl boots with the gold stars, my sea green rose earrings with the matching bracelet and ring, and the matching purse. Walking over to the mirror I decided against putting in my contacts. Finished changing I walked over to my laptop to get some writing in while the boys finished getting ready.

Hands flying over the keyboard I typed out the story flowing through my head, everything else in the world completely unheeded. Wrapped up in my writing I didn’t realize that my bedroom door had opened. Still not paying attention to anything besides my computer someone grabbed me about the waist tossed me over a shoulder and carried me into the kitchen. To shocked over this new development I didn’t react until I was set down in a chair. “We’ve been calling you for 10 minutes.” Zayn, the one who carried me said.

“Oops.” I blushed.

“Ahh there’s Prinny!” Louis said as he and the rest of the boys walked into the room wearing fake mustaches, snapbacks, and overly large sunglasses.

“Why the disguises?”


“Oh.” Hearing the front door open I looked over to see 2 absolutely stunning girls walk in, one with beautiful long wavy brown hair, and the other with lovely curly hair.

“Hi I’m Eleanor and this is Danielle! I’m Louis girlfriend.” The one with the wavy hair said coming over to hug me with the one she introduced as Danielle.

“You must be Lou’s little sister Prinny. I’m dating Liam.” Danielle winked.

“Hello there!” I smiled brightly.

“Well now that the girls are here let’s blow this Popsicle stand.” Louis said jumping up and down.

-Shopping Center-

For 2 hours the boys pulled me from store to store making me try on whatever they wanted. Everyone seemed to have a different style of clothes that they wanted me to try, Louis picked anything that was red, had stripes, or had anything with a carrot, Harry picked out anything tight and short, Niall picked really cute things but most of them were orange, green, or white, Liam picked things that were very modest and quite a few plaid things, Eleanor and Danielle picked things that were high fashion and absolutely stunning, and Zayn seemed to be drawn towards varsity jackets. I of course had no say in anything at all, I felt like a real life doll that they were playing dress up with.

Louis seemed to notice that I was getting tired of shopping and suggested that we end for the day and head over to an electronic store to get a new phone.

“You pick out a case while I get you an IPhone.” Louis said to me as I stood in the center of the store unsure of what to do. I nodded and walked over to Harry who was holding up an IPhone case with a picture of himself on it.

“Get this one Prinny! That way I can always be in your pocket, and your pants.” Harry winked at me.

“No she needs to get this one!” Niall held up a case of England’s flag but its colors were orange, green, and white.

“No she should get this one. It supports our music.” Liam held a black case with several of their song titles on it.

“No if she’s going to get a case about us on it she needs this one because her darling brother is on it.” Louis walked over holding up one with him making a silly face. “Please pick this one! I’m your big brother I demand that you get this one!”

“You guys are awful at this Prinny needs a case that suits her personality. That’s why Eleanor and I picked this one.” Danielle handed me a blue case with a floral design and studs that had the infinity directioner sign.

I looked over at Zayn wondering if he was going to join in on this. He looked down at the ground and simply handed me a case with the boys in some sort of chibi form. Oh my goodness he is so adorable. I thought to myself as I took the case from him. “I like this one best.” Zayn looked up at me shocked that I choose his. I smiled widely at him.

Niall walked over to Zayn and slapped him on the back. “Nice job mate.” Zayn blushed. “I’m hungry!”

“You’re always hungry Darlin’. Why don’t we order some pizza and pick it up on the way back to the flat?” I offered.

“Brilliant idea babe!” Harry said putting his arm around me.

-The Flat-

“Darlin’ your covered in food again.” I said leaning towards Niall wiping pizza sauce off his face. He just grinned up at me.

“Thank you mummy!” He said cheekily.

“So we have Mummy Direction now?” Eleanor asked. “Good, Liam can’t handle all of you on his own.”

“I find that insulting.” Louis sniffed pretending to be hurt.

“Oh Lou you know I’d never change a thing about you.” Eleanor kissed his cheek.

“YAY!” Louis shouted happily jumping into her arms wrapping his legs about her waist. Eleanor struggled with his added weight but was able to walk into the living room with him wrapped around her like a monkey. We followed them into the living room, Louis practically sat on Eleanor on one of the couches, Harry next to them his arm resting behind Louis and Eleanor, Niall next to him his feet up on Harry’s lap, Danielle and Liam sat on the love seat together snuggled up, Zayn sat in the chair opposite the love seat completely sprawled out on it, and I sat on the floor leaning against the couch Harry, Louis, Eleanor, and Niall were on. Danielle turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until Niall stopped her.

“Wait was that Prinny on TV.” Danielle flipped back to the channel.

“Today the members of One Direction were found shopping at a nearby mall with a mystery woman. Insiders tell us that she is recently moved here from America and seems to be very close to Louis Tomlinson. Could this be a new girlfriend soon to replace Eleanor Calder? Stay tuned.”

“That is total and complete rubbish.” Liam said I just nodded.

Harry looked down at me. “Why are you sitting on the floor babe? Come sit with me.”

“There’s no room up there.” I stated the obvious.

“Well you can’t just sit on the floor all on your own its cold down there.”

“I’ll be fine.” Just then Zayn stood up and walked over me picking me up bridal style. He walked back to the chair and set me down on it then sat down next to me pulling me close so that we would both fit. I was starting to get mad with him always picking me up and moving me around. “Maybe I didn’t want to sit with you?”

“Did you really want to stay there on the cold floor alone?” He asked not even looking at me. I shook my head. “Then don’t complain.”

Liam looked over at us and shook his head. “So umm the concert is in 4 hours so why don’t we watch a quick movie then get ready?”

We all agreed and Harry picked a movie while Niall went to make some popcorn. I slightly relaxed into Zayn’s warmth as the movie began to play quickly falling asleep.

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Primrose’s shopping clothes and the cases everyone wanted her to get on the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now