Chapter Thirty Five

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Hey sweeties!!

Say You Love Me is getting close to the end. L I’m thinking of ending it in around 7 or so more chapters and then having an epilogue. After that I’m going to take a short break so that I can finish up my other story Beauty and the Biker. And then for all of you wonderful readers I will take Remember Me? off hold and get to working on that for you. Lot of exciting things coming up!!

Anyway here’s the next chapter. Fingers crossed that it comes out well.

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Chapter Thirty Five Management’s Office


            “I don’t care if the fans will think it’s odd that the boys have more body guards!!” Prinny shouted. As soon as we had arrived back in England Prinny had stormed into Simon’s office. “I want them protected at all times.”

            I looked at the others one eye brow raised. I got the same look back signaling that they also thought Prinny was being a little over the top. We were grown men we could take care ourselves. For now we had just been humoring her but really how much could one boy do to us?

            “Miss Tomlinson we understand that you’re worried for the boy’s welfare but they already have Paul. He is capable of taking care of them.” John, one of our managers told the steaming Prinny calmly.

            “That’s not good enough!” Prinny yelled slamming both hands on top of Simon’s desk. “Look at Louis! We had Paul and he still got hurt! Paul is one man, there are 5 of them.”

            “Jane please calm down.” Simon said talking for the first time. He sat leaning back in his chair clothes covered in crumbs. Prinny had brought him cookies and he had been distractedly munching away at them.

            Prinny’s face went red. Telling her to calm down just made her angrier. “Don’t tell me to calm down!” She fumed.

            Sidekick burrowed further into my stomach shivering. The cub went everywhere with Prinny, it was really kind of adorable. Niall took the scared cub from me and slowly walked over to Prinny. She glared at him for all of 3 seconds before seeing that he had Sidekick.

            Her expression softened as her anger and frustration drained. “Oh baby.” She whispered taking the frightened cub from Niall and cuddling him to her chest as she cooed over him. Interesting, I noted, when Prinny’s angry playing on her soft heart calms her down instantly, good to know.

            Prinny went over and squeezed herself in next to Zayn on the seat he was in still soothing Sidekick.

            Niall shot me a look and I caught his drift. It was my turn to have a say. “John we agree with Prinny 100%. Just differently.” I said all business like. “We think that Prinny needs to have her own body guard on her 24/7.  She has been the only one to be really threatened by this kid. He’s already gotten to her through Louis, I really don’t think he’s going to go after Lou again. And now that we know what he’s capable of we are more prepared if he tries another stunt like before.”

            “Are you kidding me!?” Prinny protested loudly Sidekick whimpered and t

            “If anything in the end he’s going to go after Prinny.”

            “You haven’t talked to him. You haven’t heard the threats. Louis was just the beginning , it will get worse.” Prinny said softly but there was still a bit of edge to her voice. “It always does.” Her eyes filled with tears. My heart completely broke, this beautiful, amazing, strong girl should never cry. Fury filled me. That bastard had hurt our Prinny and like hell were we going to let him touch her again.

            “Ok here’s what I’ve decided.” Simon said taking control of the situation. “We’ll get Prinny a body guard and a few more for the boys.” Prinny’s face lit up. “But they are going to stay behind scenes. They will be there to protect you but won’t be seen. And Prinny, Liam’s right you need one 24/7. Once we are able to employ you a guard you are to go nowhere unless you are in the company of the guard.” Prinny made a noise to protest but Simon just held up a hand to silence her. “That’s my discussion. Also next I’ve scheduled you for an interview. Zayn if you and Prinny want to come public that is up to you.  Now if we are done here you can go.” Simon greedily took out another cookie making it known that we were done there.

-Prinny- Park

            Zayn and I walked hand in hand walking through the park. It felt as if it had been years since we had last been here but in reality it had only been around two months. Back then everything had been simpler, there were no threats and no fears. Suddenly Zayn stopped walking and pulled me into his arms. “Hey smile.” He said simply before kissing me softly.

            When a pulled back I gave a small smile, how could I not when his kisses were amazing. “I missed this.”

            “Missed what?”

            “This,” I gestured around us. “I missed being here, this park I mean.”

            “I know exactly what you mean.” He said huskily. “Prinny I-”

            “OMG ZAYNIE IS THAT YOU!?”

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Sorry its short sweeties having some major writers block.

Stuff on the side. >>>>>>>>>>

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Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now