Chapter Twenty Five

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Hey sweeties!!

I’m having like a million issues with Wattpad right now which I have already said. It’s just one thing after another.

I’m having a bit of writers block…again. So if you have any good ideas for the story let me know I would love the help.

Please vote and comment!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter Twenty Five Farm House


“Up! Up! Up!” Liam shouted running from room to room waking up the boys. “We have an interview in 2 hours!” This was too funny! Liam was running around frantically, it was like watching a cartoon. “Stop laughing Prinny and help me!”

I sighed and got up from where I was leaning against the wall. So far we had Zayn completely fooled. A little part of my mind felt guilty over this trick but I had to show Zayn what it would be like if I was really like how he thought. “Who isn’t up yet?”

“I got Niall and Harry. You get Zayn while I work on Louis.”

I mentally groaned and went into Zayn’s room finding a lump of blankets on the bed. I ripped the covers back revealing a sleeping Zayn. His eyes were closed his mouth slightly opened as soft little breaths came out. “Hey lazy butt, get up!” And nothing. “Get up Zayn!” Still no response. “Zayn Louis broke your mirror!”

“Shut up Prinny I’m not falling for that one again.” Zayn grabbed me and pulled me into the bed with him, much like I had done while we were staying at the cabin.

“Whoa there cowboy.” I said trying to pull out of his arms.

“Shut up Prinny and just be still.” Zayn tightened his arms around me. After a few moments of silence Zayn sighed. “This is nice, we should do it more often.”

“Yeah whatever.” I tried once more to pull out of his arms but again no luck.

“Be still.” He commanded making me laugh. “I love your laugh Prinny.”

“Umm thanks, but seriously you need to get ready. You have an interview soon and you’re wrinkling my clothes.” Zayn pulled back and I got up. Zayn looked me up and down checking out what I was wearing.

“You are not wearing that out!” He said angrily. Today I was in a blue mini leather skirt, a white short sleeve button down shirt, and wedges. My feet were killing me.

“I don’t see why I can’t!”

“Its to short I can almost see your ass!”

“Good!!” I shouted . I didn’t really want people to see that but hey if it made Zayn mad well why not and I was pretty sure behind that anger he had some lust burning in his chocolate eyes. And anyway it didn’t really show that much, Zayn was just exaggerating.

“Change now!” Zayn and I were chest to chest. The wedges I was in brought me from usually being a head shorter than him to having my forehead being at the height of his nose.

“Make me!” I looked up at him.

“You aren’t going anywhere dressed like that!” Zayn stared down at me glaring we were so close that our lips where nearly touching.

“Watch me.” I whispered lips just a breath away from his. Without a backward glance I walked out of the room.

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now