Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hey sweeties!

Sorry it’s been a while since I last updated but I am now off spring break so I promise to upload as often as I can!

Check out my other story that I’m working on Beauty and the Biker!

And thank you so much for all the votes on my first story please continue to vote and read it means so much to me.

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Chapter Twenty Nine Farm House


            “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!” Louis’s angry voice rung out breaking Zayn and I apart. We quickly let go of each other stepping away. I could feel my cheeks turn a deep shade of red as I stared down at the ground wishing I was anywhere but here.

            “It’s not what you think Louis.” Zayn said trying to explain.

            “Then what the bloody hell was it Malik? Because to me it looked a lot like you were snogging my sister!” Louis stomped over to Zayn angrily stopping when he had Zayn against the wall. Everything about Louis at this moment seemed threatening and I was afraid of what he would do to Zayn.

            “Then it’s exactly what you think it is.” Zayn said dumbly laughing nervously. Anger radiated off of Louis.

            “I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from her!” Louis shouted at Zayn. Louis’s fist suddenly shot out making its mark straight against Zayn’s jaw. I watched in horror as his head snapped to the side. Louis raised his fist again but Zayn caught it in his own hand stopping it before it made contact.

            “One free shot that’s all you get Lou.” Zayn said dryly. Louis yanked his hand back and tried to punch Zayn again but like before Zayn just dodged it but this time is own fist came up slamming into Louis’s stomach.

            The other boys came into the kitchen having been woken by the sound of the fighting. They watched on as Zayn and Louis fought making a mess of the kitchen. Zayn now had Louis against the wall, I watched as his fist shot up to Louis’s face but Louis ducked down resulting in Zayn’s hand smashing into the wall leaving a hole. While Zayn was distracted by the pain of hitting his hand against such a hard surface Louis tackled him to the ground knocking the wind out of Zayn. Both boys struggled on the ground trying to gain an upper hand against the other.

            “ENOUGH!” I shouted as loudly as I could. Both boys stopped fighting, Zayn was lying on the ground Louis over him one hand holding his shirt as the other was frozen midair as it was about to come down on Zayn. They looked at me unsure of what had happened. “Well get up!”

            Both boys quickly clambered to their feet. Zayn’s lower lip was cracked blood dripping from it and Louis had a black eye that was rapidly swelling shut, both were bruised all over.

            “We kissed Louis. So what? People do it all the time. I’ve seen you kiss Eleanor. You two are best friends and you’re going to beat the living crap out of each other over one kiss? Is that how boy’s minds work?” I asked them angrily. They both looked at the ground sheepishly. “Look at what you did to the poor kitchen.” They looked at the damage they had done. The kitchen table was on its side on the floor, there was sliver wear on the floor, and the hole Zayn had made in the wall. “You made it, you pick it up. The boys and I are going to pick up some breakfast. Please be past all of this when we get back.” I said more gently now. I shooed Harry, Liam, Niall, and Paul out of the house hoping Zayn and Louis would be able to talk this out while we were all gone.


            I rubbed my sore jaw as I picked up some pans that Louis had knocked to the ground. I ached all over, never knew Louis could throw a punch like that. I heard Louis laugh dryly from behind me. Looking over at him he was standing next to the table holding up one of the legs that had apparently broken off. “Don’t even care about the table breaking. We only wanna have a laugh. I’m only thinking ‘bout this girl I’m seeing. Hope she’ll wanna kiss me back.” I sang with a smile on my face.

            “Katy Perry’s on replay. She’s on replay. DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake. People going all the way. Yeah all the way. I’m still wide awake.” Louis sang back.

            “I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun. I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she’s the one. Hold on to the feeling and don’t let it go. ‘Cause we got the floor now. Get out of control. I wanna stay up all night and do it all with you.” Both of us sang together.

            “I’m sorry about reacting like that mate.” Louis said genuinely apologetic.

            “No I’m sorry. You told me to stay away from Prinny but I didn’t. What kind of mate does that? It’s me who should be apologizing.”

            “We were both stupid. Even?” Louis asked holding out a hand.

            “Even.” I smiled taking the hand he offered and pulled him into a hug.

            “So what exactly is going on with you and Prinny?”

            “To be honest? I have no idea. But I don’t ever want to hurt her Louis.”

            “I know you won’t. I don’t think she would let you anyway. That girl has got fire!” Louis shouted making us both laugh. “Look Zayn if you want to be with her I won’t stand in your way. It’s obvious that she really likes you and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way about her.”

            “Wait did the queen just give me permission to date his sweet baby carrot?” I joked.

            “Yeah, yeah live it up. Just don’t be one of those mushy gushy couples. I don’t think I could live with that.” Louis shuddered going back to cleaning.

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This one’s short and probably sucks I know. I’m really sorry. I promise it will get better again soon but right now I just have some filler stuff going on. Also it doesn’t help when you have a ton of writers block and don’t know what to write about. I’m sorry sweeties.

Gif on the side and video. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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