Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey sweeties!

Sorry I haven’t updated. Stuff going on. :/

Got things on my mind right now so I’m not too sure how good this chapter is going to turn out.

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Chapter Thirty Three Hospital


            He’s so quiet, my Louis.

            I sat on the edge of Louis’s hospital bed. He hasn’t woken up since they admitted him the other day. He should have woken up by now.

            “Please wake up Louis.” I pleaded. “Everyone is worried about you. Liam is a mess, Haz won’t stop crying, Zayn hasn’t talked to anyone, and Prinny can’t get Niall to eat. I’m-I’m worried about you to.” Tears burned my eyes as I leaned down and pressed my forehead to his. “I’m so sorry for all the mean thing’s I’ve ever said. I won’t ever be like that again. Just Please wake up.” A tear slipped landing on his still cheek. “I-I love you.” I gently laid my lips against his in a sweet kiss. “Please.”

            Louis’s eyelashes twitched before revealing his beautiful stormy blue grey eyes. “Mom?” He asked groggily.

            I laughed tears falling down my face. “No, no Lou.” I stroked his cheek before pressing the call button.

            “Mom, no, not mom.” He grabbed my hand holding it against his cheek. “Corr, umm Corrabelle?”

            “Yes.” I smiled.


            “Hi Louis.” I laughed, he was so cute right now.

            The door to the room opened revealing everyone. “Oh my god Louis are you okay honey?” Eleanor asked rushing to his side almost knocking me to the floor.

            I stood up and walked away from Eleanor cooing over Louis. The pain set in. I wish that was me that he loved. The first moment I met him I knew he was the one. But he loved El and all I wanted was for him to be happy. So I backed off. And every day I wished that I was me.

-Primrose- Farm House

            “I don’t care if you don’t think he’s going to target my boys again I want guards on them at all times!” I barked into my phone talking to management. “He hurt my brother, do you really think he isn’t going to go after another one of them at any time?”

            “Prinny,” Niall soothed taking the phone from my hand to talk to management himself. It had been a few days since Louis got hurt and the hospital reluctantly had let Louis go. I had been in a tizzy ever since.

            I went into the kitchen and grabbed Louis some carrots before going back into the living room. I had been babying him a bit. But what did you expect?

            I handed him the carrots and placed a kiss on the top of his head making him glare at me. “I’m fine Prinny.” He said annoyed.

            “Shh just let me take care of you.” I fluffed up the pillow that was elevating his broken leg.

            “Prinny I’m fine. You’re being ridiculous. I have a broken leg that’s it. I’m not dying.”

            “But you could have.” Tears filled my eyes. Great here come the water works. I swiftly turned around before Louis could see them going to mess with the TV.

            “Prinny?” Louis said hesitantly before I heard him get up from the couch and hobble his way to me. His arms slid around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry I worried you.”

            “No I’m sorry. If it went for me you wouldn’t be like this.”

            “It’s not your fault.” He playacted.

            “He hit you with a tractor Lou!”

            “And you didn’t know that he was going to do that!” I turned around so that I could face him.

            “But I should have been able to prevent this from happening. I’m the one who sent him away!”

            “And now he’s back. There’s nothing we can do about it but keep you safe.”

            “He doesn’t want me though. He went after you. Lou, I can’t let you guys get hurt again.” I rested my head against his chest. “I love you guys too much.” I sniffled.

            “And we love you babe.” Harry said and suddenly 4 more pairs of arms where surrounding me. “We’ll get through this together.”

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Sorry this one was short.

Me: *joins in group hug* D’aww I love you guys too!

Niall: Since when did you get here?

Me: *Holds up bag* I have food.

Niall: Marry me!

Me: Already ahead of you big boy. *Pulls Priest out from behind me and rips off clothes revealing wedding dress*

Niall: I didn’t mean that literally.

Me: Too late!!

Cute little gif on the side. Not sure what kind of wild cat it is but lets just said its Sidekick. >>>>>>>>>>>>

Say You Love Me-Book One of the Can We Fall Series-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now