18 ☠️

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East: Chan and Felix

"I wonder how the others are doing," Felix questioned after a minute or five. He and Chan hadn't been talking much yet these days, which was quite odd for them. Usually they would be talking each other's ears off at this point, ranting about this new game Felix found, or the new song Chan had been playing on repeat for the past fifteen hours. Without any electronics, he guessed suddenly the few things keeping the both guys busy and distracted had now disappeared, and the exciting topics they would usually talk about were slowly turning into darker thoughts they kept to themselves.

"Me too," Chan answered, seemingly more agitated than Felix, who had remained quite calm so far. "I'm quite worried to be honest, I thought I'd be more fine with the splitting up, but looking at it now it just feels so anxious to not know how the others are doing. For all we know they could be eaten up by whatever wild animals they put in this place." Despite Chan's worrying, Felix couldn't help but smile. Chan never really showed anyone his worries, but with the two having grown up together, Chan always seemed to rely on Felix more to out his frustrations rather than the others in the friendgroup. The rest always thought Chan had it all together.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. We've all been training, some longer than others, but I'm sure they'll be fine," Felix answered Chan, hoping to relieve him from some of the concerns. "You know, with all the time we spent together as a group, you should really have some more faith in them to be able to handle themselves. I'd say we've all grown quite close over these past few months hadn't we?" Though Felix was right, Chan couldn't help but feel the way he did. Everything was on the line, if only one person died, all would have been for nothing.

"I know, but come on, how well do we really know each other?" Chan paused his words for a second, looking at Felix. "I mean, you haven't told the guys about your incident either right?" As if on cue, Felix stopped walking, his eyes fixated on the sand. "I thought we agreed to not bring this up anymore," Felix managed to get out between his heavy breathing, his voice an octave lower than he normally spoke with. Chan sighed, looking at the slightly younger boy besides him. He hadn't been there when it happened, but he'd seen Felix enough to know that this reaction wasn't going away any time soon.

"Felix, I know this isn't easy, but be lucky they believed the cook made it, if they knew you poisoned it you would have probably gone to prison for I don't know how long... Besides, you can't live your life like this forever, it was your own decision after all," Chan said as he shook his head. It had been about a year and a half now since the incident happened, but Felix still shut down completely as if it was just yesterday with just a mention of it.

"Then what was I supposed to do!" Felix suddenly shouted, looking Chan straight in the eyes. "Tell the guys, hey, I poisoned my filthy rich mom for abusing me when I wasn't the perfect son with the perfect test scores, just a little fact. How on earth do you think I could ever tell anyone? It was hard enough that I accidentally told you, but I could never live with anyone else knowing." The both instantly quieted down, startled by Felix's outburst. He was normally the carefree happy one in the group, but this was what had been hiding underneath that layer.

"Sorry," they both muttered out, the atmosphere going back to an awkward silence for the next hour, before Chan started another conversation with the same question Felix started off with. "Do you think the other's are holding up okay?" he managed to get out, keeping his eyes fixated in front of him now, after occasionally glancing at Felix the entire time. Felix seemed to have calmed down at least a little already now. "I think so... If they also just have nothing but sand on their path, I'm sure they won't get eaten by wild animals." This time it was Chan's turn to chuckle. Felix rarely used sarcasm, only when still upset, but even Felix himself couldn't help but have a small proud smile on his face at his own comment.

"Don't you think we should turn back soon?" Felix asked, looking up at the sun. It was getting closer to halfway down, and he was frankly getting quite exhausted after walking on such an uneven ground for so long. It made him wonder how Seungmin and Y/N were holding up. If he was already having a hard time with a fairly good condition, it was probably quite difficult for those two. He could only hope Y/N indeed had quite some strength in her body to carry Seungmin back, because there was no way he'd be okay after so long.

"I guess it's about time isn't it?" Chan responded, looking around him once more. He was about to turn back, blinking a couple of times, lightly hitting Felix's arm to gain his attention, pointing in the direction they were originally heading in.

"Felix, am I going crazy, or is that a person standing there?"

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