chapter 1: first day of UA and the masked man

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                              was a lovely afternoon, the wind was rustling, the sun was setting ,while the sakura leaves were slowly  falling to the ground. we see  two young children who  were eating peacefully at the a rooftop of the Yaoyorozu mansion after a full day of hanging out together and having fun.....

"y-y-you k-know y- you d-d-didn't h-have to e-eat w-with m-me Y-yaoyorozu-san"  a boy with messy black hair with black eyes said of the name of Izuku Yagi while fidgeting with his fingers (AN: Izuku has black hair and onyx eyes in this au it will be explained in later chapters)

Momo only giggled "of course I would want to eat with you we've been friend for a while now and how many times did I tell you to call me Momo " she said as she lightly pouted at him at him

"b-but I-th-think I'm n-not w-worthy o-of y-your f-first  name..." he said quietly as Momo sighed

"of course you do Izuku because your my best friend and I love your kindness...."she smiled at him again with a hint of blush on her face

"o-okay t-thanks Yaoyo--I.. mean M-Momo ..." he said nervously as he returned her smile while Momo softly giggled

Momo looked at his eyes filled with sadness and fear agai--no always...

"Izuku ... don't tell me they did it again?.."


he didn't responded as he look at his lap clenching his pants tightly as tears slowly falling down from his eyes as Momo place her hand on top of his comforting him 

"Izuku please let me help you I can ask mother and father to let you stay here we can prepare a room for  you please ,...I do- I  don't wanna see you get hurt any more..." she pleaded with him as Izuku only shook his head saying no

"p-please j-just don't M-Momo I-I don't w-wanna be a-a burden t-to yo-you a-and your f-family " he said as he wipes her tears and smiled at her to ease her worries "I'll be fine I di-did promise yo-you th-that I'll g-get stro-stronger didn't I"

"B-but ...they always do this, they always beat you up for no reason and I-I can't stand it anymore I wanna help you Izu ... I don't wanna see you I pain and I can't do anything about it because you always denying it please Izuku I wanna help you..." Momo said as she hugged Izuku tightly tears slowly falling from her eyes

"I-It's ok-okay , p-please do-don't cry I-it's hurts me when I see you cry ....." he force a smile as he rub her back with is left hand while his right was wiping her tears away gently

A minute of silence past them as they just stared at each others eyes for a while 

Momo stared at his mesmerizing warm onyx eyes that shine in the sun, his cute messy hair that's sticking in all places ,his enticing smile that's telling her that every thing  will be okay, blushing Momo looked away her face burning red from her blush

"a-ah! Mo-Momo are y-you ok-okay you looked red!...." Izuku ask in worry as he put a hand on her burning forehead

"y-yeah I-I'm fine I-Izuku "Momo said as she recomposed herself from her blushing stupor" if you say so ... alright ....then we will train together for 3 years before the UA exam !!" she exclaimed as Izuku looked stared at her blankly 


"what do you mean by eh " Momo said as she lightly pouted " you wanna be a hero right? than lets train and study together and with no time you'll be the first quirkless hero!!" she said pumping her fist in the air with determination

Izuku stared at her with awe and amazement before stuttering a response "y-y-yeah 3 years b-before the UA exam and w-we would the b-best he-heroes tog-together" Izuku look at her with the same determination she gave him awhile ago

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