birthday Special: Momo's birthday

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(this takes place after the festival)

...Yaoyorozu mansion...

it was currently September 23 as it was the birthday of Momo as she and her family along with Izuku were currently opening gifts as she opened another gift from her mother excitedly

"wow thank you Mommy!!" Momo said excitedly as she  was currently opening her gifts with enthusiasm as it was her birthday 

"your welcome my baby!!" her mother said as she hugged her tightly 

"M-mom I can't breath!!" Momo said with he face blue as she struggled to breath due to her mother's grip

"Open mine next sweetie" Her father said excitedly as Momo's mother released her grip on her daughter causing her to breath again

"okay daddy" Momo said as she grabbed the gift form her father before she opened it causing her eyes to lit up "WOW! thank you daddy!!" Momo said as she held up her fathers gift of a book about molecular structures for her quirk

"o-open m-mine n-next M-Momo" Izuku said as he shyly held up the gift in front of her

"I-I-I k-know I-It's n-not t-that m-much b-but I-I s-save a-all o-of m-my M-money a-and b-bought -t-this f-for y-you" Izuku stuttered nervously as he looked away from her as he kept rubbing the back of his head as he was afraid that she would not like his gift

"nonsense Izu I'm sure I'll like it" Momo smiled brightly at him before she took the gift from his hand

Momo gently took the gift before she opened it causing her eyes to widen before she hugged Izuku slightly startling him before he smiled at hugged her back

"thank you Izuku" Momo said softly as Izuku smiled before he hugged her back

"Y-your w-well c-come Momo" Izuku said with a smile on his face that she like his gift for him

Momo looked at her gift that she got from her best was the second book of the Harry Potter series that they loved to was Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

.her father and mother and father smiled at them as they had a proud smiles on their faces seeing their daughters so happy for her birthday...and it was all because of a boy with a kind heart







...present day...

people can be seen sneaking into a room wearing party hats and carrying a big folded banner as they were trying not to make a noise so that the person in the bed does not wake up and ruin the surprise

"okay are you guys ready?" a voice said quietly trying not to wake up the sleeping girl Infront of them as the others gave her a thumbs up

"okay in three, two, one!" the girl said as she and the others yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAOMOMO!!" they greeted as they held up a banner that said ' happy birthday Yaomomo!!' as they were wearing party hats

Momo shot up awake at the foreign voices in her room causing her to fall of her bed in shock

Momo looked around her room frantically until her eyes landed on Jiro, Kamininari, Mina, Uraraka, Iida, kirishima, Sero,  Toru and Asui causing her eyes to widen in shock

'"Jiro?, Kaminari? Ashido? what are you guys doing here? and how did you get in my room?" Momo asked as confusion and shock was written on her face

"your parents let us in and happy birthday!!" Jiro greeted her as Momo's eyes widen in shock that today was her birthday

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