chapter 7:the UA sports festival announcement and the angel and the God

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                              the Yaoyorozu mansion...

....Momo was currently watching the TV news in her room as the news caster was talking about what had happened yesterday about the USJ attack

"' up next is an update yesterday's incident at the UA rescue center where hero course students were attack by a gang of villains according to the new police officials the criminal forces called themselves the league of villains, investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill UA teacher and popular hero Allmight , since the spring of this year police arrested 72 villains at the scene but the league's leader escape and his where abouts are unkown--"

Momo turned off the TV as she plopped herself at her gigantic bed as she sighed and turned around to gaze at her book shelf. all of the books of the Harry potter series was in there but one was missing was the book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone , it was the one that Izuku bought that they when they were in the park

she sighed again as sadness can be seen in her eyes as she looked at the book collection in silence all the while thinking of the good memories she had with him

she wanted to see him again

his smile that makes her heart flutter

Making her happy whenever his always there by her side

she wanted to feel that again

she wanted to see him laughed

she wanted to touch his soft face

see wanted to see his mesmerizing eyes

she wanted to see his cute diamond shape freckles

she wanted to run her hands on his soft hair

she really wanted to see him again

she sighed sadly as she stared at the photo of her and Izuku on her night stand, as she took it out of the night stand and gently rubbed the photo of Izuku sadly

she really misses him

"mistress Momo Dinner's ready" Momo was cut off from her thoughts as her maid had called out for her for dinner, Momo got off her bed and went to have dinner with her parents




. weak later...

a week has past since the USJ incident as Izumi woke up in her room filled with All might posters and merchandise that covered the walls and shelfs

she sighed before looking at a photo of their family with her mother and brother in her nightstand as she held back her tears before slowly getting up from her bed

she quickly stretch up and fix her bed before heading downstairs prepare herself some breakfast, as she went downstairs and saw her father who was already cooking breakfast for them

"morning Izumi" Toshinori said as he flipped an eg on the pan

"Ah! morning dad " Izumi said as she greeted her father " are you today ?" she asked as Toshinori had a sad smile on his bony face

"fine... still a little sore from last week though" Toshinori looked down sadly before deciding to changing the subject "by the way are you ready for the sports festival?" asked as she nodded her head sadly as she sat down on the table

"well that's good then" Toshinori said as they just sat there while eating quietly

"Dad?" Izumi asked as Toshinori turned towards her "is it true that about you're time limit? is it really cut in an hour and a half?" Izumi asked worriedly

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