chapter 21: internships! part 2! Momo and Izumi's shinobi training

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. . Izumi slowly opened her eyes to find herself in some kind of room as she groggily sat up from her bed and rubbed the sleep away from her eyes as she wince in pain as she felt her body sore before she notice Jiraiya leaning in the wall with a proud smile on his face

"hey good morning" Jiraiya said wth a proud smile before he walked up to her "how are ya feeling?" he asked

"I'm fine what happened?" Izumi aske before the memories of what happened yesterday came flooding into her mind "the test! did I pass?" Izumi asked as she looked at Jiraiya with a worried look on her face if she passed or failed the test

"don't worry kid, you passed with flying colors" Jiraiya said with a proud smile before he ruffled her blonde hair making Izumi smile back hearing the words that she passed "but don't think that your training is over yet" Jiraiya said firmly with his goofy expression becoming serious once again

"you still have to learn how o control the fox's Chakra properly so that you don't lose control like you did in the sports festival" Jiraiya said as Izumi slightly flinched at the mention of her losing control during her fight with Shoji at the sports festival "but we'll do that later now that you unlock your own chakra and know how you used it you can now learn some ninja tricks so for now I'm gonna teach you some ninjutsu and taijutsu" Jiraya said as Izumi's eyes grew wide in excitement

"wait! I'm gonna be learning some jutsu like you said?!" Izumi said with stars on her eyes making Jiraiya chuckle

"yeah but first you need to eat some breakfast" Jiraiya said as he gestured to the tray food that was on her desk "get some breakfast first them meet me the same spot we trained yesterday, if your so eager to learn some jutsu then you better hurry up!" Jiraiya said before he jumped out form the widow as Izumi rushed towards her food and began to eat it greedily in excitement of some learning some jutsu

. . .

Iida was currently walking through the streets of Hosu City with Manuel who was currently showing him around the city

"on the normal day I'd just be waiting for client calls to come in so it's not really exciting but things have been barely hectic here lately" Manuel said to Iida as the continued to walk the streets

"so you're using street patrols to suppress crowd" Iida said as Manuel nodded his head

"yeah Exactly" Manuel said with a nod "man I kinda can't believe ingenium's little brother is interning at my agency, I'm sure you've got offers from pros who got much bigger followings than mine' Manuel said as he waved to some kids who was waving at him while Iida was currently in deep thought

"'the hero killer so elusive he's manage to avoid capture for his deplorable crimes, I know that I may not find him ...but still'" Iida thought as the image of his injured brother laying in the hospital bed flash with in his mind "'I have to try to track the villain down because...I can't forgive him for what his done'" Iida though as he clenched his fist in anger

. . .

Momo slowly got up form her bed as she rubbed her eyes before he quickly freshened up and left her room as she entered the dining room to see Edgeshot dress in a dark blue yukata and his mask still on his face while he was reading his book

"ah looks like you finally woke up" Edgeshot said as he looked up from his book and greeted his pupil with an eye smile "you want some breakfast? it's gonna be a long day of training today" he said as Momo nodded as she went and sat besides him

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