Chapter 63: let the second part of the provisional license exams begin!

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. . . .As the sun began to set over the barren landscape as two members of the infamous Villain Organization, the Akatsuki slowly walked towards their destination

These two Akatsuki members where Deidara and Sasori, slowly walking towards Tottori city to capture their target, the hero and protector of Tottori city, the sand hero: Snatch a.k.a., the one tails jinchuriki

The sound of their footsteps echoed through the empty streets, accompanied by the soft rustling of the wind. Leading the way was Yura, Sasori's trusted subordinate and spy. He navigated the group through the dark alleys and hidden paths, ensuring their presence remained unnoticed.

However, their peaceful walk was abruptly interrupted when they were suddenly ambushed by all of Snatch sidekicks

"Halt! What's your purpose in Tottori city?" The lead aide kick asked before he eyed the two unknown individuals closely and easily recognized the familiar black cloaks and red clouds of the Akatsuki. Much to his shock

"T-t-the A-A-Akatsuki!" The sidekick stuttered out in shock, sweat began to fall from his forehead as he subconsciously took a step back, which was quickly followed by the other terrified sidekicks

"Well, well, Sasori, look who we have here," Deidara said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Seems like Snatch's sidekicks have decided to pay us a visit." Sasori said, his cold gaze shifted towards the sidekicks who were completely paralyzed, frozen in fear

"Annoying pests," Sasori muttered under his breath. his puppet body remaining motionless as he prepared for the incoming battle

"Leave them to me, Deidara. I'll handle this. You ho and get the target." Sasori said as Deidara smirked and nodddd

Without wasting a moment, Deidara quickly reached into his pouch and retrieve a handful of clay, his fingers expertly molding it into an intricate design. As the clay took shape, a giant bird emerged, its wings spreading wide, ready to take flight.

"Keep them busy Sasori, I'll go capture out target" Deidara said before he flew away with his clay bird, leaving Sasori alone to deal with the sidekicks while Deidara captures their targets

. . . .

Soon, Class 1A along with the other hero courses made it back to the orientation room where Mera was waiting for them half asleep.

" oh goodie, most of you pass, can't really say the same for those who didn't. but If they can't even tell that the whole cheating thing was a ruse then they're not smart enough to be heroes" Mera said with a yawn

"Anyway, let's begin the second test shall we? You're second proctor will be here soon to explain it. speaking of which, where is she anyway?" Mera asked with a yawn, before he was distracted from his thoughts when a brown blur suddenly broke through the windows startling everyone

Suddenly, The blur threw 2 kunai into the ceiling, which held up a banner that revealed this message that said: "The Examiner of the Second Stage: The Sexy and Somewhat Single Mitarashi Anko" making Jiro's face pale as the color drained from her body when she realized who the woman was

"'oh no, not her, anyone but her!'" Jiro thought in fear as she started to sweat profusely as she stared at the woman in front of her, who happened to be her masochist/sadist/slave driver of a sensei during her internships

The young woman was an average-sized woman who was of slender frame. She has light brown, pupil-less eyes. she had purple hair styled in a short, spiky, fanned-out ponytail. She was wearing a custom-made outfit that is crafted of thin metal mesh to fit the lines of her body, that covers her from neck to thigh. Over this, she wears a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. In addition to the typical forehead protector, she also wears a small pendant that looks like a snake fang

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