Chapter 65: The rescue exams and an unexpected arrival

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. . . Previously on the cycle of hatred. . .

"Alright, for the hundred of you who passed the first test, please turn your attention to the screen" Mera said through the coms before the screen zoomed in on the field.

"It's the test arena.." Izumi muttered.

"What's gonna happened next?" Uraraka asked when the buildings and terrain suddenly started to blow up and explode, causing a lot of rubble to fall to the ground and startling all the students watching the screen

"Why?!" All of Class A asked mentally in horror to see the buildings and terrain to just explode and fall apart.

"Wait, does this mean..." Momo muttered to herself, realization dawning upon her

"There's only one more round to the exams. You're goal is simple, under take rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trap beneath disaster sites." Mera explained through the PA systems.

"Rescue training huh?..." Izumi muttered to herself

"I see, It's just like. . ." Momo trailed off, her eyes narrowing as an image came into her mind

"Kamino ward/Kamino ward" Izumi and Momo both finished in unison before an image of Izuku and the Akatsuki wrecking havoc in Kamino flashed into their minds

. . . currently on the cycle of hatred. . .

. . . Sasori gazed across the desolate battlefield, The notorious puppet master's eyes narrowed on Snatch's sidekicks.

"I-it can't be, y-you're the great Sasori of the red sand. A Triple S-rank villain" one of the sidekicks said in fear, their body immediately tensing up seeing the notorious triple S-rank villain but stood their ground before the first sidekick made her move.

"I'm honored that my name is so well known, even to children such as yourselves. However, I don't like to wait, I keep others waiting, so I'll make this short and sweet" Sasori said before the sidekick with a wind quirk launched herself towards Sasori, aiming to slice through Hiruko with her razor-sharp limbs.

Sasori's eyes narrowed as he jumped back before Hiruko's tail shot out in an attempt to skewer her

"Impressive speed, but not enough!" Sasori taunted as he released a volley of kunai coated with poison at the sidekick who immediately jumped back to dodge the attack but one managed to graze her shoulder causing her to grunt in pain

"Is that so, well don't worry. Cause we're just getting started!!" The sidekick with the wind quirk exclaimed before blowing multiple sharp wind blades towards Sasori's direction

Sasori immediately began to wrap his iron tail around him for added protection, easily deflecting the wind user's attack

"Damn it! Let me at him!" The earth quirk user growled before he began hurling multiple rocks and boulders at Sasori, who dodge each and single one of them with ease

"This isn't working, he knows what we're going to do almost before we do" the earth quirk user growled out in frustration

"Hehehe, you must be wondering how I can anticipate every attack you and your friends make. The answers are quite simple really, your moves. . . They're too predictable" Sasori said while the sidekick with the earth quirk growled in anger

"I'll show you predictable!!" The sidekick with the earth quirk said before slamming his fist into the ground and creating multiple earth spikes to skewer Sasori

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