chapter 20: internships! part 1! legacy of the copy ninja and the toad sage

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. . .Momo stared at the huge building of Edgeshot's agency before she entered the building and walked towards the receptionist behind her desk

"hello good morning I'm Momo Yaoyorozu I'm here for the internship that Edgeshot had sent me" Momo said as the receptionist's eyes widen

"oh good he's been expecting you, just take the elevator and go to he right to go to his office, don't worry You won't miss it' the receptionist said as Momo nodded

"thank you" Momo said with a bow before she walked towards the elevator and entered it

. . .

Momo stood in the elevator to the top floor of Edgeshot's agency. She was almost shaking with anticipation. She was actually going to prove herself to a top pro. So many teachings she can learn from. The doors opened, ready to guide her to her future

the elevator dinged as Momo exited the elevator and walked right just as the receptionist had said and entered Edgeshot's office which looked similar a Japanese dojo

"hello? is anyone here?" Momo asked as she looked around trying to find Edgeshot only for a kunai to be thrown at her face

reacting out of instinct Momo immediately created a shield as the kunai bounce harmlessly off her shield as She looked back into the room to see a cloaked figure charging at her, katana at the ready.

Momo dove out of away when the unknown figure lunged at her with his katana before Momo created a sword with her quirk and block the strike that the unknown figure with his katana before she kick him in the stomach making him Hubble over in pain

Momo dodge another swing from the assailant who had recovered from her previous attack kept swinging, the assailant kept swinging and swinging the sword as She she kept blocking and dodging the attacks before she ran out of room to run, but the figure kicked her shield knocking it away as Momo's eyes widen when she felt she had nowhere else go to causing her to backed against the wall,

"'dammit! I'm trap! What do I do!? Who the hell is this guy? where's Edegshot?" Momo thought as she held up her sword defiantly "'I can't think of that now! I have to fight!'" Momo thought before she lunged at the assailant with her sword in hand

but she was severely inexperience, even with her sword practices when she was young it was no match for the mask assailant who had disarm her sword in a second before The Cloaked figure pinned her down with his sword inches away from her neck, their foot to her neck, and then slashed down, stopping millimeters from her face.

"hmm you reacted fast, fought defiantly and never gave up despite the face of danger not bad for a newbie It seems you have more to learn than I thought." the cloak assailant said as Momo opened her eyes. as the man sheathed his katana and helped her up The unknown mask man then removed their cloak to reveal a slim, muscular man who stands a bit shorter than most of his top-class heroic peers. He has gray hair shaped into three sharp points that cover the right side of his face and dark gray eyes, and he wears a mask over his lower face, covering his nose and mouth. he's hero costume adapts the appearance of a traditional ninja. He wears a blue mask that covers his mouth, tied at the back of his head with red yarn. he sports red shinobi shozoku underneath a blue robe. His arms are covered in a thin, dark cloth that tucks into his white forearm sleeves. There are red straps attached to his belt and his robe that extend outward. he has a gold mask attached to his shoulder and sports a signature red scarf that features a white patch attached to the front of it. Shinya finishes his costume with blue socks and yellow zori sandals. this is the Pro Hero: Edgeshot.

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