chapter 6: the aftermath and the 10 eyed statue

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                              was a few minutes since what had happen in the USJ as the students were currently outside with a police detective while the villains were being lined up and were currently being escorted to the police station by a couple of police officers in the background

"16,17,18,19 and 20" a detective said as he counted all of the class 1A students" everyone's seems to be here that's good" the detective said as he check the list on the paper again to make sure

" hey Ojiro " Hagakure said as she grab Ojiro's shoulder to get his attention" I heard that you were a really good fighter I had no Idea you were so strong and I heard the you were able to spit that ball of lava I didn't know that you could do that' Hagakure said with stars in her invisible eyes

" I didn't know I was the only one of my own I survived using hit and run tactics and the lava part is my other quirk" Ojiro said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly" so where did you ended fighting Hagaukure?" Ojiro asked as he turned to the invisible girl in the class

" the landslide zone" Hagakure said excitedly "' I was with Todoroki and Uraraka, you wouldn't believe how strong was his amazing and also Uraraka how he protected Uraraka like a knight in shinning armor, It was so romantic I totally shipped the two of them" Hagaukre said before she gained a mischievous smile on her invisible face " speaking of which I should probably tell mina about this later on she was saying something about finding new material" Hagakure muttered and began to cackle to the possible new black mail material on Uraraka much to Ojiro's confusion

"you don't say well I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt" Ojiro sadi as he smiled towards he

"'I didn't even know she was there until she interrupted us'" Todoroki and Uraraka thought with a sweat drop

"aren't you wondering about moi!" Aoyama as he look at the others his eyes were weirdly sparkling "where was my sparkling life" he gestured his hand towards Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda and Tokoyami only to be Ignored by them as they were to busy talking with each other as Aoyama looked down to the ground dejected about being ignored

"Interesting so the people you fought were also low level thugs and low ranking vilains" Tokoyami said as the others around him nodded

Kirishima palm his fist in a gesture as he look at the other" yeah they messed with the wrong kids huh?" Kirishima said with a grin as the others nodded well except for Kaminari

"yo Kamibro is something wrong?" Kirishima asked wondering why he was so queit all of a sudden

"huh? oh yeah I'm fine" Kaminari said as he rubbed the back of his head" low level thugs huh? well the guy me, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Yagi and the others fought was beyond thug level he was just toying with us from the beginning and when he got serious he completely destroyed Yagi and almost killed Asui we stood no chance" Kaminari said as he still remembered Tobi's word about him being pathetic and how they were defeated so easily like he was just toying with them like it was all a big game for him

the others gasp in shock" no way he was really that strong?" Kirishima asked in shock as an unknown villain completely destroyed one of their strongest members of their class and almost killed one their other female classmate to think a villain was that strong was terrifying for them

Kaminari nodded grimly "yeah it's true we stood no chance against him and he completely destroyed us and he wasn't even going out like he was just playing with us for fun but what's even worst is that he said that he was our age" Kaminari said further shocking those around him once more

"a teenager as a Villain? I wonder what could have led him to this path?' Tokayami ask intrigued as the other started to wonder about it too

"did you miss me?" Aoyama turned his attention to Sero, Shoji and Sato only to be ignored once again

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