chapter 34: Movie 1: the two heroes!! part 3!! The demon of the mist!!

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. . .previously on the cycle of hatred. . .

"they risk their lives and You don't even know!" Mellissa said with her shoulder shaking "You don't even realize what you've done! Izumi! Momo and their friends have put their lives on the line for the island! For you! I did too do you know how dangerous this was! Do you even know the danger you've put everyone in! how hard we we're trying to save everyone in the Island?!" Mellissa asked with tears falling form her cheeks

"W-...What? But the villains are fake! It's supposed to be an act!" David said as he turned towards Sam

"Oh of course it is an act." a voice all around them said as they whipped around trying to find where the source of the voice had came form before he then heard something coming at them

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Momo yelled as she quickly grabbed Izumi and Mellissa and dragged them into the ground while everyone else did the same just in time to see a giant sword flew over their head as the blade embedded itself into the wall before a silhouette of a man almost as big as the sword suddenly appeared as he stood on the hilt of the blade as his back was facing them

"but the real act was fooling you" the unknow figure said as he turned his attention towards them

. . . present time. . .

"but the real act was fooling you" the unknow figure said as he turned his attention towards them, the man was a tall and noticeably muscular man with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and small eyebrows, He was wearing bandages like a mask over the bottom half of his face. Under his mask, he had a relatively narrow jawline and jagged-teeth, He wore his sideways forehead protector on his head, he wore a sleeveless black shirt and matching pants, complete with a waist-guard, and yet again, striped wrist and leg-warmers and, he had bandages loosely tied around his neck like a scarf

 Under his mask, he had a relatively narrow jawline and jagged-teeth,  He wore his  sideways forehead protector on his head, he wore a sleeveless black shirt and matching pants, complete with a waist-guard, and yet again, striped wrist and leg-war...

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"who are you!" Izumi asked a she got into a fighting stance before Momo's eyes widen in shock when she recognized the man

"wait I've seen him before, form the news!" Momo exclaimed as her eyes widen in shock as everyone turned their attention towards her "that's Zabuza Momochi also known as the Demon of the mist! he's a well known mercenary and villain known for his silent killing" Momo said in shock as Zabuza gave her a smirk behind his bandaged face

"ah, looks like my name is being spread around lately, it's truly an Honor" Zabuza said with a smirk behind his bandaged face "so you're the brats that has been a nuisance to our operations huh? I'm sorry but I can't let you go any further" Zabuza said as he hopped of his sword and took it out of the way before he swung it around his shoulder

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